Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ryane?

a nigga that will fuck yo bitch

damn my girl gave ryan head and i didnt even know

👍89 👎21

Ryane - meme gif

Ryane meme gif

Ryane - video


Ryane - what is it?

awesome guy. ready for fun, but easily pissed. if he is pissed he will forgive easily but has a memory for things like that. has a bad memory and attention span for things that bore him but will work at any challenge he finds fun. good sense of humour, but will make bad jokes for the sake of lightening the mood. a loyal friend, will believe you about something or think you are a good person unless he is proven wrong.

o man there goes Ryan

👍1219 👎235

What does "Ryane" mean?

Ryan is Ryan. He always likes to Ryan. Even when he's feeling Ryan, you'll always know he'll feel Ryan eventually. Ryan likes Ryan walks on the Ryan. It's Ryan Time.

Ryan always has been Ryan, and nothing will, or can change that, neodude.

"Hey have you heard about Ryan?"
"Yeah. It's Ryan Time."

👍2201 👎403

Ryane - what does it mean?

A guy who likes to read his own name on this website.

Ryan, I'm a Ryan too, you don't need to hear other people say your great and funny.


keep being a Ryan, Ryan,

from Ryan

Being a Ryan is fucking great.

We're so funny.

👍4159 👎761

Ryane - meaning

Is that famous actor you don't know who the fuck he is

Anna look, there's Ryan Ryan

👍25 👎11

Ryane - definition

Dagames (said D A) sexy man with the prettiest voice and most badass aditude adorable and funny

Person one: who's this dagames guy
Person2: he's will ryan

👍73 👎13

Ryane - slang

A nasty slut who works at local strip clubs, hoping to find a "babydaddy" for her three crack babies. Can often be spotted wearing leopard print, and 8-inch stilettos.

His ex-girlfriend became a Ryane after he left her for her little sister.

👍121 👎393


Ryane is the name of girl. She is kind and caring, sweet and funny. However, she is emotionally unstable and always seeks a male companion due to daddy issues. She will jump from one relationship to another.

You see that girl over there? She's been through 3 "serious" relationships the past year with many more to come. She's Ryane.

👍33 👎23


Ryane is a Irish/German name, for a girl. That girl is the best girl you'll ever meet. She's sweet, loyal, and a total badass. She will be there for you when you need her, she is very intelligent, and She makes the other girls look bad. She has high standards, but is very calm around certain people. If you were to make Ryane mad, you better run.

"I wish I was like Ryane"

👍97 👎25


a person who is boss as fuck, flossy as fuck, majestic as fuck, smooth as fuck, finger licking good as fuck, gangsta as fuck, punk as fuck, wholesome as fuck, friend of nature as fuck, courteous as fuck, regal as fuck, artistic as fuck, resourceful as fuck, real good in bed as fuck, sexy as fuck, poetic as fuck, always lends a helping hand as fuck, friendly as fuck, Macgyver level brilliant as fuck, so absolutely fucking awesome as fuck that it's pretty much fucking crazy as fuck, also she likes dogs. Fuck cats!!

Referred to as a pride when found in a group.

Famous Ryane Quotes:
"I aint going out like this...these rabid grizzly bears aren't gonna get the best of me today!"

"Hey all, I got some grizzly bear pelts for sale here, real cheap!"

👍259 👎61