Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Rookers?

When you outsmart a rook a swindler or trickster a scammer

Don't fuck with me bitch didn't you know im a rooker player pro

👍25 👎11

Rookers - meme gif

Rookers meme gif

Rookers - video


Rookers - what is it?

Best actor,played yondu,merle dixon,and he's thick af

Michael rooker is a sexy mother fucker.

👍25 👎11

What does "Rookers" mean?

a cock sucking canadian that thrives on cum

Chris Cummins is a rooker.

👍59 👎125

Rookers - what does it mean?

Nick name in the UK for Extacy pills

13 rookers for 20 sorted

👍81 👎37

Rookers - meaning


"...rubbing his rookers oh his grazzy apron.."

👍117 👎21