Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Romanas?

In Italian language, it means that when you go to the restaurant with friends everyone pays only for oneself. It's a way of saying common in Rome.

Alessandro, Dario, Magda and Kasia go to the restaurant but they decided to pay "alla romana"

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Romanas - meme gif

Romanas meme gif

Romanas - video


Romanas - what is it?

A hard liquor made in Italy, and probably the worst thing from Italy since fascism. It's 42 Proof, just a little above better and cheaper flavor liquors like Bacardi Lemon and Smirnoff Twist. Romana Sambuca has a horrible black liquorish candy taste, the aftertaste of which lasts in your mouth until you rinse it out with sulfuric acid. Disgusting enough to make you vomit even before you've reached the limit of your alcohol tolerance.

Having faith in an Italian product, I bought some Romana Sambuca. I almost threw up after the first shot, and I hadn't had anything alcoholic to drink that entire week!

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What does "Romanas" mean?

The Pax Romana which is Latin for Roman Peace, is a roughly 200-year-long timespan of Roman history which is described as it’s golden age for its imperialism, relative peace and order, prosperous stability, hegemonic power, and regional expansion.

Guy1: What the hell is Pax Romana

Guy2: No idea

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Romanas - what does it mean?

A liquor from Italy. Its 42% alcohol (82 proof). Romana Sambuca has a strong black licorice flavor.

Some people drink it by watering down, others prefer to drink it straight. Some people light it on fire first etc.

A more traditional way that its drank is by adding 3 coffee beans to the drink.

person 1:I hate the black licorice taste of romana sambuca
person 2:Really? I love the flavor.

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Romanas - meaning

A grifter who travels in an RV with cult followers while disrespecting local citizens in every location that she stays.

That person has been staying in the parking lot so long. They’re such a Queen Romana

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Romanas - definition

He talks to much shit. He’s so annoying always bothering someone. Everyone loves to be his friends. He’s friendly but if you get on his bad side he will snap.

Romanas is so annoying

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Romanas - slang

Baby.Born a baby, always a baby.

Romana is such a baby.

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Very independent and capable person with lots to offer. Very attractive person with strong sense of self and strong sense of compassion for others.

Romana's generally make excellent partners. Try to spend your life with a Romana if at all possible.

Keep your romana

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Very independent and capable person with lots to offer. Very attractive woman with strong sense of self and strong sense of compassion for others.

Romana's generally make excellent wives, mothers and partners. Try to spend your life with a Romana if at all possible.

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