Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Robert Paulson?

Someone who sacrified himself for a cause (usually greater than himself)

dude1: "Michel got caught, by the police, buying weed for tonight party."
dude2: "Yeah, I heard that. He's a true Robert Paulson."

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Robert Paulson - video


Robert Paulson - what is it?

It's a memorable quote from "Fight Club", a great movie from 1999 that cause a lot of people to get their ass kicked frequently, usually by friends.

An unofficial anthem for the sadists (Someone who loves inflicting pain on others) as well as the unwritten bible for the masochists who love inflicting pain on themselves.

Sadist Yo man, his name is Robert Paulson *Sucker punches his best friend, knocking out 3 of his teeth, then they share a blunt while they reminisce about other fun stuff...

Masochist *screams out* His name is Robert Paulson, I wish mine was too *punches self in face knocking out 3 teeth, then lights a blunt only to put it out on his arm, while reminiscing about the other fun stuff.

👍323 👎667

What does "Robert Paulson" mean?

When you go to the video store and rent a wicked old VHS of Fight Club to watch with your hot girlfriend (must be brunette or it doesn't work as good) and you watch the movie and get kinky with her in the Robert Paulson scene.

After the film you do the nasty and halfway through you completely go limp, totally dead, you hold your breath for as long as you can until that bitch thinks you're dead. Then and only then will she start to chant "His name is Robert Paulson. His name is Robert Paulson. His name is Robert Paulson." Then you finish inside her like never before and you realise that there is no girlfriend and she is actually your hand. Fight Clubbed.

Hahah, Dwayne watched Fight Club alone last night and totally did a His name is Robert Paulson again..

👍2501 👎835

Robert Paulson - what does it mean?

Male mammary glands which are so large, they resemble those of a woman.

That guy has the biggest pair of Robert Paulsons I've ever seen; I'd sure fucking love to motorboat those bitches.

👍117 👎33