Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Reeee?


Reekid: REEEEEE.
Joshdub & mully: shut the fuck up reekid

👍29 👎17

Reeee - meme gif

Reeee meme gif

Reeee - video


Reeee - what is it?

A cringy af word your typical introverted outcast can get behind and scream at funtioning members of society.

Person 1. You dont watch anime? PHUCKING REEEEE
Person 2. Dont you have a body pillow to go hump?

👍37 👎25

What does "Reeee" mean?


Omg reeeeeee

👍29 👎13

Reeee - what does it mean?

1. A term to express hate or angriness, usually towards somebody who has stolen a meme and credited it as his own or to somebody who is not part of the meme community.

2. However, it can also mean that the person saying it is angry, stressed or disappointed.

An antonym of reee is yeet

Example 1.
Person 1: "Look at this Big Chungus meme, it's so new and cool!"
Person 2: "Normie reeeee"

Example 2.
Person 1: *loses soccer match*

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Reeee - meaning

A screetching sound to show off your excitement about something

reeee just won a game REEEE

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Reeee - definition

The sound an unhinged sjw libtard makes when you disagree with it or assume it's gender .

Hey girl how are y - REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Reeee - slang

When an individual is feeling slightly uncomfortable, in mourning, or overcome with joy, they may let out a "reeee" to indicate such.

Timmy reeee'd angrily at the restaurant employee as they had ran out of ketchup.

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A way of life.

Mrs.D: class we have an essay to Friday

Kid: reeeeeeeee!

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A phrase meaning a screech of pure annoyance.

#1 I don't watch anime
#2 pppphuccing Normies, REEEEEEEEEE!

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A noise made to dispatch normies

Normie: I love the Uganda knuckles meme.
Tier 69 memer: REEEE
Normie: flees in terror

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