Definder - what does the word mean?

What is RICHO?

Noun: A person characterised by certain sex appeal with extreme dominance, championship and alluring beauty.

Verb: 1. To make a strong, fierce and successful comeback.

2. Engaging in sexual intercourse. Specifically, going all the way with one or multiple partners.

Oh! He's done the Full Richo!

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RICHO - what is it?

Someone who has money on them. Could also reference a weightlifter. A common slang used to describe someone chicks dig, usually do to a good sense of humor. Usually used at the end of a sentence.

Did u see the kid with fat stacks of cash? He's max richo.

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What does "RICHO" mean?

richo is a common variety of nerd found mainly on the sunshine coast, he longs to be with ppl who ask him out over a drunken text message.

richo loves sarah and wants to be with her for the rest of his life, only sarah does not feel the same way

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RICHO - what does it mean?

Someone who can’t close with having sex with a girl.

That girl was totally into that guy, but he pulled a Richo and she walked away.

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RICHO - meaning

A fucking annoying fag who has no mates


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RICHO - definition

Someone with an abnormally large member between his legs and when teamed with a coops (someone with unusually large testicals) could take over the world

With richos cock and coops balls we could rule the world

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