Definder - what does the word mean?

What is RETAKE?

something that you can retake

teacher hands out test
student β€œis this retakeable?”

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RETAKE - meme gif

RETAKE meme gif

RETAKE - video


RETAKE - what is it?

Retakes is a 29 year old (man) with a big shlong

Retakes got a big Shlong

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What does "RETAKE" mean?

"Retake" is simple in that it means, for defenders to re-take the site after the attacking team plants the spike. Often used in games like CS:GO and Valorant, the Retake is a crucial term and ideal to know/learn.

We need to retake C site.

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RETAKE - what does it mean?

1. A term used to describe someone who has given up on their current year in school and plans to retake it.
2. A person who gave up last year and is in classes with people a year younger, having dropped back.

"whos that older kid in the room?"
"Thats the retake"

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