Definder - what does the word mean?

What is RED COAT?

n, A low brow British person who hates Americans and can't argue with one without bringing up the American Revolution, and calling them a Yank as an insult. Similar to an American from the south who hates Northerners and can't argue with one without bringing up the Civil War (the War of Northern Aggression), and calling them a Yankee as an insult. Derived from combination of red coat and red neck.

Do you hear that red coat neck arguing with that Southern hick? If he calls him a Yank, somebody is going to end up in the hospital! ... let's watch.

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RED COAT - video


RED COAT - what is it?

Despite its historical significance, Red Coat is a modern slang term used by Americans (especially in states outside of New England) when referencing a person who migrated to the USA from the UK, who doesn't like the culture associated with said country, and constantly complains about it on social media.

"She doesn't like the fact that civilians own guns? That RED COAT should go back the UK."

"If he's so miserable here, why did that RED COAT move from Britain in the first place?"

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What does "RED COAT" mean?

Someone who works for the British holiday camp company, Butlins. Typically chavvy, slightly gay, and prone to singing and dancing. They wear red coats, obviously.

The red coats were singing Barbie Girl all night!

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RED COAT - what does it mean?


(esp. during the American Revolution) a British soldier.



1510–20; red 1 + coat

Paul Revier: " The Red Coats are coming!!! The Red Coats are coming!!!

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RED COAT - meaning

in reference to a girl who will under no circumstances cheat or even betray the trust of her boyfriend, husband, or partner.

the term is a reference to the American revolution and the Red coat loyalists, who remained on the side of the British during the period leading up to the United States independence.

Greg: Damn, Jenna is hot as shit. I bet you by the end of the night i'll have hit that.

Harvey: Unlikely, she has a boyfriend.

Greg: That didn't stop me last weekend with Laura.

Harvey: True, but Jenna's a red coat.

Greg: Fuuuuccckk

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RED COAT - definition

(n.) A British soldier. Memoir of the days when red coats were worn. This practise was ended during the Boer war, and was stamped out completely when Germany stopped world war one being a gentlemans' war

Look at the red coats!

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