Definder - what does the word mean?


the biggest, most badass mech in Mechassault. It features a LosTech Lava gun that will inflict major damage if it connects. It also has a shield that deflects most damage.

Oh shit... their team has a level 3 Ragnarok guarding their flag... in pimpin terms, we be fucked.

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RAGNAROK - meme gif

RAGNAROK meme gif

RAGNAROK - video


RAGNAROK - what is it?

A Video game that destroys the lives of young virgin fat men, and a few fat women. (And finally the occasional badass).


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What does "RAGNAROK" mean?

1. In Norse mythology, the final destruction of the gods in a great battle against the forces of evil, after which a new world will arise.

2. A sexual move consisting of the action of orally pleasing a woman while similtaneously moving one's index and middle fingers palms up against the inside of her vagina; -inf; -ed

She specifically that he give her Ragnarok, and he Ragnaroked her in reply.

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RAGNAROK - what does it mean?

Faction is dumb. Full of virgin kids. They all smell like cum. All live under their parents bedroom. They the only legends to pass destroy your nut December just cuz they masturbate a lot so they are adapted.

Omg ragnarok can you do egy runs?

Ragnarok: naw we got masturbate first.

Member: hey jon stop poking me in da ass with ur pee pee

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RAGNAROK - meaning

One of the greatest alliance on Cybernation. They are awesome and are totally secksi

A: Ragnarok Pwns All
B: Orly?
A: Rly
C: Rly
D: rly...

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RAGNAROK - definition

A very powerful sword.

Final Fantasy VI, VII, IX

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RAGNAROK - slang

The attack Isaac learns at level 13 in Golden Sun 1.

Isaac casts Ragnarok!!!
Manardi takes 241 damage!!!
Manardi goes down!!!

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One of Strider Hiyryu's special moves in the game Marvel vs. Capcom. Where he takes his opponent up in the air and three other images of himself appear then slash the hell out of the enemy still in midair.

This is his best special attack-- Foward Down Foward and Two punches to perform.

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1. The Game "Ragnarok Online"
2. A spell that is casted in La Pucelle Tactics by making a Square of 15 or more Dark Energy Squares.
3. A ship in FF8.
4. Name for a Weapon.
5. Another word to say if your bored.

1. "Hey! Have you played Ragnarok Online yet?"
2. "Casted Ragnarok with 120 Squares! w00t!
3. "We need to get to Balamb Garden. Get on the Ragnarok!"
4. You have obtained the Ragnarok. "W00t!
5. "......Ragnarok..."

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destruction of the gods: in Norse mythology, the final destruction of the gods in a great battle against the forces of evil, after which a new world will arise.
Also called Twilight of the Gods

Mid-18th century. From Old Norse ragnarΓΆk , literally β€œfate of the gods,” from regin β€œgods” + rok β€œfate.”

The world has started ragnarok ..... but I suggest playing it offline.

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