Definder - what does the word mean?

What is R-slur?

The R slur is used towards people with mental disabilities(like nd people for an example) it’s used to be ableist but sadly it’s normalized

bitch: You’re such a r*tard

Actually decent person:Don’t say that it’s offensive!
bitch:lol it’s just a word
anyways be an actual decent person, the r slur is offensive to us ND people and more.

👍55 👎49

R-slur - meme gif

R-slur meme gif

R-slur - video


R-slur - what is it?

The R-Slur/R-Word is a word used against disabled people. The actual word is r£tard/r£tarded. It was changed to a slur in 2010 by Obama.
Its just as bad as any other slur, like the f-slur (used against queer people) or the n-slur (used against POC).
You should never use it. Also, its not "medically correct."

John: That kid is such a r£tard!
Taylor: You shouldn't say that, because that's a slur. It's used against disabled people and it's like calling a gay person a f4g.
John: No, it's medically correct!
Taylor: No it's not.
John: Whatever snowflake.

P.S you're not a snowflake for telling someone not to use a slur. they're just some asshole using the r slur for no reason.

👍159 👎189

What does "R-slur" mean?

it’s a word used to mock or insult someone with a disability. and no it isn’t medically correct it was changed in 2010

person 1- that’s *r-slur*
person 2- you can’t say that it’s ableist
person 1- no it’s medically correct
person 2- no that was changed in 2010 by obama

👍239 👎301

R-slur - what does it mean?

the r slur is used against people with intellectual disabilities. the word is r*tard(ed). never say the slur, it’s wrong and ableist. it’s also not medically correct, seeing as it was changed in 2010 by obama

asswipe: that dude is so r*tarded
decent person: that’s so fucking screwed up man, it’s ableist. you can’t say the r slur
asswipe: sure it is, liberal snowflake. it’s medically correct

👍487 👎561

R-slur - meaning

An ableist word used to mock/insult people with disabilities.

Don't say it. Normal people know it's wrong, because it is. If you say it unironically, you're most likely a teen who does it to be cool and edgy. No, you aren't.

Person A: Says the R-Slur
Person B: Dude, don't say that.
Person A: Stop being such a snowflake and SJW!!!! It's not a slur people are just sensitive on the internet nowadays!!! Can we just go back to where times were simpler and we could've been racist and ableist without being called out?!?! Smh.
Person B: What the fuck

👍163 👎107

R-slur - definition

a word used to mock or insult a person with a disability.

kaden- that’s *r slur*
morgan- you can’t say that it’s ableist
karen- no it’s medically correct

morgan- no it was changed in 2010 by obama

👍845 👎641

R-slur - slang

R*tard slur that is ableist. Do not say ever.

Guy 1: Jesus he’s so r slur!
Guy 2: shut up dude that’s so wrong.

👍1071 👎709


r*tard is a slur which is often overlooked and commanly used in highschools by twats who think they're cool for offending a community.
many people who say the r slur, use the defence "it's just a word". exactly idiot it's a word which you can easily remove from your vocabulary.

twat: what a r*tard
decent human being: hey don't say the r slur, it's offencive!

twat: HAHA snowflake

ps. your not a snowflake for saying people shouldn't use slurs, your a decent human being.. they on the other are dick heads.

👍3373 👎2097


The word retard or retarded

Alex That guy's a r*tard

Dave No don't use the r Slur

Alex I said r*tarded

Dave But it's a hurtful word I hate that word call it the r slur

👍343 👎173


The r-slur : r**tard is used against disabled people and is increasingly hurtful it is mostly used by high school sometimes middle school kids who think it’s funny to use a slur. It originated from the word mental retardation Which was a medical term in 1961 for people with intellectual disabilities, through the years it has become a insult used way to frequently in everyday language. people who use it often have absolutely no regard for the damage their doing

In 2010 Barack Obama signed Rosas law which changed the word mental retardation to intellectual disability

Person : ur such a r**tard
Decent human being : don’t say the r-slur it is hurtful to people with intellectual disabilities


Decent human being: you need to educate urself.

Ps : I know it might be hard to speak up about it I find it hard myself too. That’s why next time I hear someone say it I’m going to build up all my courage and try to educate them!

👍65 👎53