Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pye?

stay away from this girl, she usually smells because she does not use shatafa. she doesn't wipe when she shits. yikes. she is usually a whore.

Sarah pye: hi guys
everyone: omg what's that stink
Sarah pye: its just me guys

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Pye - meme gif

Pye meme gif

Pye - video


Pye - what is it?

A spoiled little rich brat from the Netflix show, Anne with an 'E', who everyone ends up loving at the end because she becomes really nice. People also realize why she was mean, because of her harsh home life.

Did you hear Josie Pye slapped Anne in the face after the newspaper was posted?

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What does "Pye" mean?

wench. wannabe pornstar working as prostitute. booked friday's. doesn't work saturday's. half priced on thursday's

i hear molly's in town. can't wait till thursday!

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Pye - what does it mean?

The best girl in the world. Usually has brown hair and big brown eyes. Has a great personality and is beautiful

Wow, that's a kayci pye right there.

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Pye - meaning

The monger of cheezits

Wow, that store vender is so pye with those cheezy snacks!

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Pye - definition

Prove You Exist

Made by graffiti art this PYE of south central Prestige graffiti crew IWU it was us...

Your not getting your stuff noticed cause your not doing nothing to pye.
If no one knows you exist in thias you shouldn't be doing it

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Pye - slang

In south england, a profoundly homersexual male.

man that dude is soo pye with those pink shoes.

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A legendary character with a tendency to meddle in the art of pyromania.

"Dude - did you hear about PYE blowing up that shit!?"

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Adjective, referring to an object or a being of ill favor. To be used negatively.

Yo, look at that pye ass, thinkin she be fly with her new kicks.

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In ancient McNelisian Mythology Pye was the most desired dessert of Pmac the owner of "The Sword of Findias" . The Pye would be prepared on Thursday and usually consumed by Pmac lustfully in one sitting with in 1 to 4 days. Normally when a bite or two was left it was customary to stick "The Sword of Findias" into the Pye in the belief it would bring magical powers to the sword.

I wish I was the owner of the findias sword then I could eat that magical Pye all the time!

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