Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Put In Work?

When a man receives oral sex from a woman while she is wearing makeup. The idea is that the woman’s makeup slowly comes off and looks messy when it’s over

Spencer: Dude I just got the greater blowjob ever

Julian: Was she putting in the work?

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Put In Work - video


Put In Work - what is it?

Dropping alias in the toilet after a long day of mowing the lawn.

"Hey Tod what are you doing tomorrow?"

"oh you know, just putting in work"

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What does "Put In Work" mean?

when you go to the mex mob mansion and light your fireworks off to wake all of them up because they turned their back on da lench mob

You ready to go put in work at the mex mob mansion tonight

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Put In Work - what does it mean?

Hand job, yacking it, yanking the crank.

Girl: "What do you wanna do Alec?"
Guy: "Wanna put in work?"

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Put In Work - meaning

When you put in mad work for something or killing an opp could be putting in work for the gang

When you put in mad work for something to get cash Ex: killing an opp could be putting in work for the gang
β€œHow’s it goin fam” reply β€œpretty good g just putting in mad work for that bread”

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Put In Work - definition

Giving it your all during sex

Girl #1: Girl, how was sex with Tyrone

Girl #2: Girl, it was amazing... He put in work honey

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Put In Work - slang

To do something illegal/dangerous to get in with your crew. Such as killin' someone, attacking a rival gang, doin' a drug run, ect.

I need you to put in some work real quick.
iight, what I need to do?
You just need to put some crips six feet under.
iight, you put in work, you in now.

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Put In Work

1. Engage in gang-related activity.

2. Engage in something dangerous or illegal, especially if it involves getting in a gang or a crew.

Examples of when you PUT IN WORK can involve killing somebody, selling dope, etc.

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Put In Work

to put that work in (pronounced pu-da-wor-iyn) can mean several things. Generally speaking, it means to work at a job or get money. Another meaning of the term would be to have sex with a women. Overall, it can mean anything that improves oneself; it can be something that one does on a daily basis just to maintain sanity or health.

Example 1
#29: " I be tellin niggas...they gotta be puttin that work in. That cheese ain't gonna come on its own. If niggas want that paper, they gotta be puttin that work in"
Erup: No doubt, no doubt. I be telling my niggas that to.

Example 2
Alex: Yo Dave, where were you last night? I thought you said we was gonna chill?
Dave: Sorry bro, I was puttin that work in. I got this new bitch. She got that ass. So, anyway, what you end up doing last night?
Alex: Putting that work in with my bitch to.
Dave: Das wussup

Example 3
JLew: I'm going crazy man, and I feel like shit. I gotta put that work in.

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Put In Work

Applying personal initiative and responsibility throughout a duration of time, in order to accomplish either a short or long term goal.

Son: Dad i really want to own my own business one day and grow up to be a chulo just like you.

Dad: First off you can never be a true chulo, but if you go to college, study hard and put in work, one day you might own your own business.

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