Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pringe?

verb. to turn something into a pringle shape

dude, that surfboard looks a little odd-shaped" "yeah man, i pringed it

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Pringe - meme gif

Pringe meme gif

Pringe - video


Pringe - what is it?

The act of eating Pringles.

I'm not hungry. I pringed half an hour ago.

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What does "Pringe" mean?

A real salty butt pirate. A person who has deep rooted narcissistic beliefs and acts with false braggadocio behaviour. These beliefs can only have been created from being penetrated repeatedly by ones father.

Steve: "Hey man, I fucked six bitches this weekend! I'm also taking 3 of them to Rome with me".
Nick: "Dude, you look like a shaved toe... stop being such a Pring".

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Pringe - what does it mean?

When someone begins to eat something that taste really good and they can't stop.

Example Pringles.... Once you start the fun don't stop.

Your dinner always have me pringing.
I didn't want to start pringing.

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Pringe - meaning

A word describing a human person that is a prick and soft as a minge.

Can also be used as:
Prick-minge -: if you want to get the full effect of the meaning across.

For example:
1) "That guy is a pringe!"
2) "Look at that prick-minge, thinks hes solid! Fucking pringe!"
3) "That guy is a pringe!"

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Pringe - definition

(verb) A form of vertical movement, closely associated with trampolining & cheerleading (not gymnastics). Pring describes a conscious, bigger effort to jump, throw or move a body vertically upwards whilst performing a skill. A sort of cross between 'spring' and 'ping' !

"You don't have enough height or power. You need to 'pring' it up on take-off !"

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Pringe - slang

verb: to purerave

i was pring last night till 5am with a pregnant kansas girl

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(Verb) A action of purposely being cringe in a way that is cool or even edgy. Usually used with Indie folks

Tyler the Creator tries to be pringe when making his clothes or Instagram posts.

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A pringe is a mixture between a minge, an idiot and a Mini Pringle.

*LA accent* "Oh my goodness, did you see Mensil cup Assgate II's balls? What a pringe!"

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When bit on the hind parts by grandma shark doo doo

I felt a sharppringe” of pain in my left leg.

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