Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Princi?

she is a nice looking girl but does not give that much respect and likes her friends so much. she likes boys mostly with name A,K OR M she will like only one buy and the guy she like will love her soo much and take care off her so much even after their marriage

princy and that boy will be a good pair

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Princi - meme gif

Princi meme gif

Princi - video


Princi - what is it?

A Asian ting . Who is very smart. Has very good grades . Intresting to talk to.

Has a curvy face. And she supports Man U some digracefull team.

WAGAWAN princy fernandes

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What does "Princi" mean?

Usually called Matt or Wills and found in his bed. Has a big heart and is usually intimidated by invalids.

Hey look at that dude, he’s such a princy boy!

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Princi - what does it mean?

the memelord of all your friends, will make you cry if you disrespect him by hacking your facebook account
will probably make the funniest memes ever with your face on em. be grateful

Oh! Princy made that meme yesterday look.
Princy invented memes and the whole internet.
That website is down because Princy hacked it.

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Princi - meaning

A very out-going girl, always willing to help out when friends need her, Loves Asian guys, and has an obsession with the Vampire Diaries. Also loves to buy everyone food =) Spits out random facts

She love Jesus.

Person 1: "Ok guys, i have to go pee now"

Princy: " Go enjoy your 1/3 of an orgasm."

**comes back after a while**

Princy: " she's having a little more than 1/3 right now..." t

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Princi - definition

A short, cute girl. Very outgoing and will do anything when it comes to friends. Always flirting with guys. Food lover.
Laughs a lot.

She loves Jesus.

Princy is always flirting with random guys.

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Princi - slang

princi is a girl that is hidden in the shadows. known as the shy girl in class but really the life of the party. she is the kind of girl that would punch a guy, but would never say it. she stands up for the right things although she can be quite stubborn. her platonic soulmate is always by her side, but she will never admit it.

person: Princi is so quiet
other person: I don't agree, you should see her with her soulmate

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A sweet introvert girl who will do anything for her friends but completely moody

Princy is moody but sweet

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