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What is Princess syndrome?

At the university in Rolla, MO, the ratio of males to females is about 3 to 1. Rolla Princess Syndrome (RPS for short) is defined as a woman who thinks that just because she has tits, she can get anything she damn well pleases no matter what the cost to others.

1. Girl to Guy: "I'm cute and have boobs, so buy me alcohol!"
2. Girl: "None of the guys here are good enough for me."
Guy: "I think someone is suffering from Rolla Princess Syndrome. You should get that checked out."

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Princess syndrome - video


Princess syndrome - what is it?

A girl who believes that one day a prince charming will come and sweep her off her feet, at the cost of all attempts of other relationships. Also belives that when this happens she will be swept off her feet and will live "happily ever after". This person is also naive in the bedroom and usually uncomfortable with many forms of itimate relationship interactions.

Nah mate, she suffers from Disney Princess Syndrome, tried my hardest but it wasn't enough

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What does "Princess syndrome" mean?

Form of a behaviour in which a man thinks and acts like a male princess. He thinks he is too special/ too hot / too good to do all the work and to try to pursue or chase a woman. In fact he expects to be pursued and chased by a woman. If he feels he is "being made to work", he is "just not going to play ball", he may say. Male princesses often have nothing to offer as they are extremely self-obsessed and egocentric. They are usually unable to develop feelings towards a woman due to an extremely high level of self-importance. Basically, it is a β€˜β€™Princess Syndrome’’ on steroids.

Friend 1: Hey, what happened to that guy you were dating that you were so into?
Friend 2: Eh, he has The Male Princess Syndrome so no thank you, next!

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Princess syndrome - what does it mean?

Princess EGO syndrome.... he's so wonderful, cuz I told myself he is, can or will be .... that's nobody's fault but their own, the advice then is to tell the next generation of girls not to waste a day of their short perishable youth searching for the built up fairy tale dream of how their prince charming is to be, cuz they can't ever change the beast, and if the beast seems to be changing to what she thinks she wants, remember he's just acting or stupid. You cant change the nature of the beast, and you only waste your life trying, that's the female dilemma, trying to change the beast into something she can control!!!!!!!

Princess syndrome -any female that is spoiled rotten to point of delusion and believes it as a reality, this is the number one cause of divorce, abuse, rape, and death for these types. Annoying the bee hive too many times eventually gets you stung....

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Princess syndrome - meaning

A mental state that a female exhibits out of reverse sexism. Because she is unaware of her sexism, she will claim to deserve supreme aristocratic rights from a partner due to her looks or her child-bearing "pain." Any brainwashed man will give her tangible things and emotional sublimity to stop her, and she will only demand more.

"Look at that lady; I'd go out with her, but she's got princess syndrome. Hookin' up with a good lookin' / intelligent guy like me would just make her condition worsen."

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Princess syndrome - definition

This is a certain behavior that many females have, that stems from a young age. It starts out with just a cute, lets say 6 year old girl, who is constantly told 'she is beautiful' by her parents and environment, and is treated like a princess as long as she behaves. This might happen throughout all her years of growing up; she's called 'the most beautiful girl in the class' or is made to feel like she is 'what every guy wants'. In the end, she will have a long list of men that hit on her, but that she ended up rejecting.

The problem is if you 'have a crush' or 'fall in love' with one of these girls. Usually it will end by her 'breaking up' (at least the tension) by saying she's not really interested. The rejected man has to move on.

When a girl has princess syndrome, she's probably not worth going after.
Man I didn't realize it at first, but the girl i met last night definitely suffered from princess syndrome.

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Princess syndrome - slang

When a girl is deluded in thinking that she is a 'princess' & everyone else--such as her friends, family, & peers, are of secondary or little importance.

I wonder if Paris Hilton still suffers from the princess syndrome after her grandfather claimed that he's changing his will & no longer leaving his children & grandchildren his riches but rather, donating them to charity.

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Princess syndrome

This is an attitude and behaviour pattern which is demonstrated by certain females. It’s usually the ones who are narcissistic and who have an overrated opinion of their own intelligence, sense of fashion, taste in music and so on. They are so self-centred and egotistical that they apparently believe that the world revolves around them, and the only purpose of males is to gratify their every wish; you know the sort, the Kim Kardashians and Nicole Scherzingers of this world, stupid and unpleasant. They can be any age from six to ninety-six and many of their demands are petty, ridiculous and self-serving, such as the toilet seat must always be left down. Noel Coward must have been thinking of them when he wrote β€˜Certain women should be struck regularly, like gongs.’ (Private Lives 1930). See also Barbara Cartland.

β€œDid you hear that? Crazy bitch wants me to take her to the theatre, followed by a meal at the most expensive restaurant and don’t forget to bring a dozen red roses! I only met the retarded slapper yesterday.”
β€œAcute Princess Syndrome, run like fuck!”

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Princess syndrome

An increasingly prevalent condition found primarily in young heterosexual American women. Characterized by (1) unrealistically high expectations; (2) materialistic conduct; (3) a sense of entitlement; (4) exploitative behavior; (5) feelings of superiority; and (6) a lack of regard for society’s rules and mores.

Princesses believe in their own exceptionalism and usually hail from wealthy or upper middle class families. They are quick to describe themselves as "awesome" or "amazing" on social media. Given their access to resources, they are typically attractive, although rarely naturally beautiful. In public, princesses may attempt to cut in line, believing their time to be more valuable than others’. They enjoy berating cashiers, waitresses, and other service workers. Princesses often walk down the wrong side of the street but refuse to yield the way to oncoming pedestrians.

Princesses also typically maintain unrealistic dating expectations. A princess may, for example:

- Stand 5’2” yet refuse to date men under 6’
- Demand a β€œsuccessful man” despite having never worked a day in her life
- Display the arrogance typically found in 10s as a 6.5

The prognosis for Princess Syndrome is largely unfavorable. Management options typically include:

- Cessation of allowances and support funds
- Full-time work obtained through independent efforts

In some cases, full remission has been achieved, but most patients who present with Princess Syndrome typically retain it for life.

Since her profile contains nothing but mentions of how "amazing" she is, she might have Princess Syndrome.

If you spoil your daughters, you run the risk of causing them to develop Princess Syndrome at an early age.

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Princess syndrome

1)People who suffer from the need to be waited on hand and foot.
2)People who want what they want and want it now.

Jane Jetson - The Jetsons - Opening credits
Shows her Princess Syndrome symptoms

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