Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Preslei?

most awesome guy in the world . if you see him never stop dating him.he loves to do and try new things like lots of people. he will do everything you tell him to because he loves you

presley is super cool.

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Preslei - meme gif

Preslei meme gif

Preslei - video


Preslei - what is it?

the definition of Presley is perfect. if you meet presley you will think she is the biggest blessing in your life. presley will sometimes make you feel self conscious but thatโ€™s okay youโ€™ll get over it. presley is the funniest person in the entire world. all the boys love presley. if you have a presley you are a lucky person.

boy 1: damn have you seen presley today ?
boy 2: hell ya sheโ€™s fucking beautiful!

boy 1: i wanna wife her up right now

boy 2: to late already did ;)

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What does "Preslei" mean?

Yung Dagger Dick

"Yo have you heard of presley, he likes listening to XXXTentacion aka YUNG DAGGER DICK

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Preslei - what does it mean?

One of the best people you will ever meet. They are absolutely stunning and most of the time have green eyes that will have you falling for her. Presleyโ€™s are very good at sports and at everything they do. Not to mention these girls are so funny they will have you rolling. Presleyโ€™s are kind and friends with everyone. They are also lowkey freak and if you ever run into a Presley never let her go and make sure to make her yours or youโ€™ll regret it.

Guy 1: Did you see her?
Guy 2:Yea she has to be a Presley!

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Preslei - meaning

Presley is a girl with a big heart and will tell you how she feels she has a huge ass if you fine a girl named Presley never let her go

OMG Presley is so hot

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Preslei - definition

Presley is a very humorous person. She loves to cheer people up, and she finds joy in correcting other peopleโ€™s grammar. She loves to sing and dance, his girl is a total dare devil. She would also do anything for her friends and family. She will hug any boy just for a dare. She is a very fearless person, but she canโ€™t explain how she truly feels. Presley is a social butterfly, and she loves to be happy.

Thatโ€™s a Presley right there!

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Preslei - slang

A girl who is a bit shy at first but extremely nice and fun once you get to know her. She's self conscious even tho she shouldn't be. She's a hopeless romantic hoping to find love. She can be very bossy and demanding sometimes but still is open to others ideas. She likes to play it safe: she's the opposite of wild, but still likes to have fun.

Who's that?

-she looks like a presley

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The most amazing girl that anyone in the world will ever find. If you find Presley never let her go.

I love you presley

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Presley is the prettiest girl alive! She is awesome, beautiful, caring, loving, and just the best person ever! She is so funny! She will make you laugh so hard you cry! If you have a Presley in your life keep her forever! Love her with all your heart! She deserves it! She is very underestimated! She might be little but she is the toughest and strongest person alive! If your daughters name is Presley good luck with the boys! So if you have a Presley in your life keep her forever and love her!

Presley is the prettiest and toughest girl alive! Keep her forever!

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Have a lot of friends and funny also popular

I want to hang out with Preslei not you

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