Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Poser Punk?

trendy bastards that have rich parents and want to be noticed.and they might have a half mohawk.

you.your dog.your mom.

👍573 👎219

Poser Punk - video


Poser Punk - what is it?

A generally derranged indvidual who enjoys listening to, for lack of better words, crap. Boy bands with instruments, if you will. They generally migrate around Hot Topic during the summer and other such days off from school.

Shopping at Hot Topic makes you see a superfluous amount of poser punks.

👍125 👎39

What does "Poser Punk" mean?

almost every1 who has written a definition on this website for "poser Punk." they are saying that being punk has no fashion code and you arent defined by the music you listin to. yet they call people posers for shopping at hot topic and listining to SP and GC. i personally dont like those bands but that dusnt mean that someone who does is a poser. every1 says that being punk is about being your self and not caring about what others think of them. how do you know that people who like those stores and bands arent being them selves? your creating a stereo type and a fashion code just by posting those definitions. and you are doing EXACTLY what you say punks dont do. stop being so judgemental. music and clothes dont define a person. only their personality does.

poser punks are judgemental on other peoples clothing, music style, and other stupid things like that. honestly, who cares what a person wears or listins to.

👍395 👎117

Poser Punk - what does it mean?

Hilary Duff acting/being punk

She thinks she so punk by wearing converse and black clothes and a studded belt.. Oh wow shes so punk..Not

👍439 👎129

Poser Punk - meaning

Not being yourself!

I can't afford to shop at Hot Topic anyways.

👍455 👎129

Poser Punk - definition

someone who takes all of their opinions from other people. They always try to do the "cool" thing. they need to learn to think for themselves


John is a poser because, he can't think for himself

👍359 👎91

Poser Punk - slang

This is the REAL definition of a poser punk: One who is overly insecure and believes that being a punk has rules. Some may secretly LOVE Green Day and Good Charlotte but they hide it because they are afraid to be labeled as a poser. Others may just completely avoid those bands for this reason. They commonly try to be better than every one else, they criticise Casualties fans because other people do. They completely violate the idea of freedom in punk, They only listen to punk rock. They dont listen to any other genre, unless secretly of course. They are MAJOR hypocrites in just about everything they do.
They claim to be themselves but at the same time they follow the crowd by dissing on "emo". They are too insecure to buy clothes from Hot Topic. They are complete assholes and will criticise you if you spell "punks" like "punx". They will beat the shit out of you if you refuse to drink. If you like SLC punk they will automatically assume that you base your life off of it. If you are wearing normal people clothes they will consider you a poser. In short, they are the worlds biggest pussies and they go against the one thing that punk stands for: thinking for yourself.

Me: Dude, Bauhaus is a fucking great band. So is Katy Perry, she's got some great songs out there!
Poser Punk: Those bands aren't punk! your a poser!
Me: Dude you are closed minded, punk basically has no rules.
Poser punk: punches me in the face
Me: laughs

👍167 👎39

Poser Punk

the word poser says it all.

oohh guess what.. i wear BLACK and have SAFETY PINS stuck all over my clothes. woowwww... i must be a punk! who knew?

*go figure!*

👍653 👎169

Poser Punk

People who think that they are punks but are really just trying to be. The mistake they make is to try to become a punk. Punks are all about not trying to be anything and following your own rules. there is no fashion code to being a punk. there are no rules as to what bands you have to listen to. GC and Simple Plan are ruining Punk because they are posers. One popular band comes out that wears black trenchcoats and spiky hair and nail polish and tatoos come out, and people assume they are punks. these bands are mis-representing themselves and the punk community. people are getting the wrong idea of what punk is.

poser punk: shops at hot topic, wears label shirts;vans, ae,etc. follows any hint of a fashion trend, wears a shirt that says punk on it, thinks all punk is about is breaking rules and acting badass.
real punk: someone true to who they are, who doesn't take any crap from anyone, who recognizes the flaws of society, who isn't afraid to be unique and wouldn't be caught dead being called a label.

👍879 👎167

Poser Punk

A lot of people have been saying to be a "true punk" you have to not give a shit about anyone else, This is false. The whole point is to try to make a difference in the world. to change what's wrong with people and everything else. A poser punk would be one that only listens to their music and dress the way they do for the style, or vision in other people's minds. they do it to be cool. punk is about doing something real. poser punks listen to sell-outs, go to sell-outs for clothes, and in turn, will probably become a lawyer or doctor

Poser Punk: Hey, look at my cool new shirt from hot topic, its says sum 41, they are sooo hot! arent I awesome?

Real: Your life is just a endless cycle where everyone follows the same rules. How bout we not do that, and instead stand up for what we want, and believe. Hey cool a grey shirt for a buck!

👍57 👎19