Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pop-folk?

different (modern) name for Chalga

What do you say about we get drunk
and destroy all stupid stereotypes
ooOo to get mad this night oOooOo

(later in the song)

take me to a a residential district pub
Order and drik, make a fight for me
every body to curse us
to jealous of our kisses
drive crasy on red light
make something wuld, unusual dor me
ooOOoo to be mad this night ooooOooOOoO

(ivana - something untypical)

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Pop-folk - what is it?

The best music ever. The tackt is 7/8.
95 % of the people on Balcan peninsula like it.
In Bulgaria most people deny it, but the they listen to it in secret.
The lyrics are very valuable.

Napipaj gooo! V racete tvoi da ...

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What does "Pop-folk" mean?

This is the same as Chalga. It means very good bulgarian music which is only for intelligent people. Most of the lyrycs of pop folk songs are about love.

Preslava - Gorchivi spomeni

I love you understand
that is my VINA
don`t say anything shutup
I understand all alone
when the night is over
I will go home alone.

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Pop-folk - what does it mean?

this is the same like the word "chalga",but in use from elite models and fat businessmen.

pop-folk music ... or chalga music .. music that is hearing by low inteligent people in Bulgaria..

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Pop-folk - meaning

Pop-folk is a music genre which is from the Balkan region of Europe.

Pop-folk has local names too, Chalga in Bulgaria, Turbo-folk in the former Yugoslav states, Manele in Romania, LaΓ―ko/Modern LaΓ―ka in Greece and Arabesque in Turkey.

Pop-folk is mainly performed in discothèques and occasionally performed in Concert halls.

Pop-folk is genre which is like Marmite (you like it or you don't like it).

There are many performers variating on country and the pop-folk stars also perform abroad for the diaspora.

Pop-folk music texts are mainly around the subjects of love, possessions, money and truths about life for example Relationship problems and pop-folk texts are very funny.

This is a example of a pop-folk text:

"100 Mercedes to have, 100 years to drive, 100 men to want my hand."

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