Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pootus?

A very skrange lad. Known for his strides in the "Butt Cheeks Matter" movement. Also known for his many varieties of flatulence; many of which he canned and sold on the Fecalalian black market, in order to fund his activism.

As a known fecalphiliac and an avid Butt-hunter, he was considered too weird to live amongst us, and thus was soon expelled off of the fecalalian peninsula in 1982, after his many rackets were discovered by authorities.

No one knows for sure where he resides to this day, but some believe he made his home in the sewers of the lost city Atlanus.

That nigga Pootus kinda weird.

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Pootus - video


Pootus - what is it?

A very skrange lad. Known for his strides in the "Butt Cheeks Matter" movement. Also known for his many varieties of flatulence; many of who he canned and sold on Fecalalian black market, in order to fund his activism.

As a known fecalphiliac and an avid Butt-hunter, he was considered too weird to live amongst us, and thus was soon expelled off of the fecalalian peninsula in 1982, after his many rackets were discovered by authorities.

No one knows for sure where he resides to this day, but some believe he made his home in the sewers of the lost city Atlanus.

That nigga Pootus kinda weird.

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What does "Pootus" mean?

Pootus Bootus is a Roman General who invented plumbing. He found that a rectal transplants were the key to eternal life. Subsequently he managed to plumb Rome and have a secret waste filtration system (fountain of pooth) under his house whereby he could select the most special poos (spice melangè) and live forever. He currently resides in the ribble valley. A prominent roman base where he is currently known as the Poo Goblin.

The bos is clogged again Julius Cesar. Call Pootus Bootus he will sort it

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Pootus - what does it mean?

Slang- Career winery worker of questionable intelligence and personal hygiene, generally of Portuguese descent.

That Pootus is going to be bottling wine until the day he dies.

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Pootus - meaning

A breed of humans with a rather large piece of beef in there pants. Usually great looking and superb in bed. This species can be found hanging around ugly species such as a Mocha bears and jewish people.

Even though Pootus is big. he is huge in the pants.
Also see Pooty

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