Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Poopsie?

A term of endearment used between people in a romantic relationship; a nickname given to a person by their lover (ie: babe, honey, sweety, my love, etc...)

P: Good morning Bu..
B: Good morning Poopsy..

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Poopsie - meme gif

Poopsie meme gif

Poopsie - video


Poopsie - what is it?

Whilst pleasuring a female with your fingers and you accidentally slip. Finger in her butt.

I didn't mean to poopsie you

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What does "Poopsie" mean?

It is a nicer way of saying well poop

Hey man wait here I gotta go take a poopsie.

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Poopsie - what does it mean?

When you didn't mean to poop... but you did.

My girlfriend farted in her sleep last night, so I decided to get some payback. I woke her up his morning with my bare ass in her face... but it wasn't a fart... it was a poopsie!!!!!

I'm single now

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Poopsie - meaning

A cool person not giving a crap about anything.

There is 3 people in the class that are Super Poopsies, Cody,Bradey,Gary

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Poopsie - definition

a)Noun;A relatively abnormal excrement that is awkwardly designed to resemble other things. This is used mainly by politicians to substitute the presence of a friend (but not limited to).

b)Noun;A Log which is oversized having smooth texture around its surface, usually assembled prior to use (but there are several occasions in which it isn't).

Fred molded a poopsie on Nick's Yard.

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Poopsie - slang

Describes a cool relaxed person who doesn't care about anything.

Why don't you get off your butt and do some work poopsie.

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A selfie taken of your facial expression while pushing out a giant poop. Frequently this expression will involve grimacing or a look of distress.

Man, after all those burritos last night you should have seen the size of the log I pushed out. It took everything I had to push it out. Here's a poopsie of myself to prove it!

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This term is a nickname for the greatest thing to ever happen to a honkie and that is his beautiful girlfriend who is also his soulmate. The love of his life and a gift from God.

Yo, Erkie!!! You my Poopsie!!! I love you, baby girl because you complete this honkie!!! Pizn Pizn!!!

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A friendly and cute name for your friends or pets.

Hey poopsie! How are you today?

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