Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Poodle Hat?

when you keep cuming on a womans head

I gave her a poodle hat

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Poodle Hat - video


Poodle Hat - what is it?

1. A funky album by Weird Al, who specializes in parody songs.

Has such gems as Couch Potato (based on Eminem's Lose Yourself) and Bob, which is a fantastic song in which every lyric is a palindrome.

2. It could also be defined literally as a hat fashioned out of a poodle, which is a breed of curly haired dog. In this day and age the poodle would probably not be real and the hat would be a faux poodle hat.

1. "Dude! Let's put Poodle Hat on!"

2. "Dude! I've got my poodle hat on!"

👍43 👎13