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What is Polish cleaner?

Recieving a blowjob after anal.

My girlfriend seemed to be reluctant to give me a polish pipe cleaner.

👍25 👎11

Polish cleaner - video


Polish cleaner - what is it?

A sexual act made up by a Chris W & Caitlin L in 2009. The act of performing the polish cleaner is explained below:

To achieve a proper polish cleaner you will need to take a dump in a plunger, lie your partner down and repeatedly plunge the stuff into your partners face, chest, back, butt etc..

This achieves a nice splatter pattern and results in a "post MTV awards britney spears look"

DO obtain permission though as can result in the law being involved.

" I was giving your mom a polish cleaner last night when she turned around and tried to wipe it on me. Fucking disgusting man!"

👍31 👎19