Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Platforms?

One who against all medical advice and common sense decides to not just lift weights at the gym, but instead decides to lift ALL of them. Platform pirates are often spotted on the platform with red faces, bulging neck veins and a general sense of pissed-off-ness not just at the impossibility of lifting the weight, but of the world.

Person A: Hey Schmicky! Look over there, that f***er is making away with all our weights like a drunken sailor making off with wenches.
Person B: That's not a sailor, that's a f***ing Platform Pirate! Don't f*** with him, he's on a mission!

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Platforms - meme gif

Platforms meme gif

Platforms - video


Platforms - what is it?

The act of approaching someone from behind, and plopping one’s ballsack on their shoulder.

Ya bro, I heard John Hancock was platforming people when they signed the declaration. Should have been named John Hanballs.

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What does "Platforms" mean?

Platformer is an person who likes using different platforms/websites for watching videos, streaming, playing video games or using social media.

Person 1: Hey man, are you a platformer?
Person 2: What the fuck does platformer mean?
Person 1: Urban Dictionary has an answer.

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Platforms - what does it mean?

The act of getting so drunk, that you can't walk straight and fall (or nearly) of a train platform.

Hey bro, where did you end up last night?

Bro I was "platforming" last night and got locked up for being drunk and disorderly

Bro, you got "platformed" as!!!

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Platforms - meaning

To straighten your hair using the Platform, or the Platform P2.

"Hey bz did you platform this morning?" "Yeah, did I do a good job?"

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Platforms - definition

A well known Minecraft Server Owner, Hacker & DDoSer.
Known for downing Arcane, Velt, Royalty,Crusade

User 1: Platform

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Platforms - slang

The act of approaching someone from behind, and plopping one’s ballsack on their shoulder.

Ya bro, I heard John Hancock was platforming people when they signed the declaration. Should have been named John Hanballs.

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In Science Fiction, a "Platform" is usually considered a planetary orbital facility of some kind.

Sean One, Leader of the Free Orbital Platform movement.

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a kind of game genre in which you jump around for m platform to platform and usually kill stuff.

kirby is a platform game.

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extremly high heels usually worn by strippers and porn stars. possibly the sexiest invention ever.

I covered her with baby oil, and all she had on was a pair of black platforms!

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