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What is Pillow Talk?

When a man/woman shares information to another man/woman about a completely different person or persons that they have no business sharing but do so because of the closeness of atmosphere created after sex. An act frowned upon if it's a man running his mouth to woman he's laying with, but not necessarily frowned upon if it's a woman running her mouth to the man.

Yo I ain't got a problem with how many bitches he be fucking at the gig but that niqqa be pillow talking too much then these bitches be havin' other niqqa business spreadin thru the workplace cuz they be talking to dem bitches they bang wit, and them other bitches be pillow talkin' with the niqqas they be fuckin... now everybody know everybody business.

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Pillow Talk - video

Pillow Talk - what is it?

Talking shit about one person to another person for personal gain.

Brah, I know you were pillow talking with that girl about me just so you could fuck with her.

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What does "Pillow Talk" mean?

a non-drunk dial incoming phone call after the hour of 10pm initiating a "catch up" conversation between friends about life and love.

Stacy: Jill, you look mad tired...
Jill: Greg called me last night to pillow talk.. we were up for hours.

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Pillow Talk - what does it mean?

The bummy bummy stimulation one gets from mounting the linen of life.

Pillowtalk originated from the pointless conversation couples had before/after sex. This has since elvolved to the stimulating vocal noise that erupts from ones mouth whilst enjoying a mounting session with the pillow itsself.

Person A: Alex makes love to his pillows
Person B: Mmmmmmmmmmmm Pillowtalk

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Pillow Talk - meaning

Late night conversation between two bunk mates that can range from nonsensical to deeply philosophical.

My bunk mate and I enjoyed some pillow talk about the latest celebrity gossip before snoozing off.

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Pillow Talk - definition

Having a conversation with someone special after hours, sharing information that shouldn't have been shared or exchanging words that you don't necessarily mean, they were only shared because you were in the moment.

Him: I wanna marry you one day.
Her: Stop pillow talking me!

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Pillow Talk - slang

The silly chats you have after having sex. generally a lot of nonsence but is a way of holding onto those amazing moment when you can be close to somebody!

i love having pillow talk, we can say anything and giggle

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Pillow Talk

When a nigga tries to cockblock another nigga by telling the woman his true intentions.

Should I tell Nae that Quan just tryna hit it?
Nah bro. That’s pillow talk

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Pillow Talk

Pillow Talk takes place in bed, usually after sex.

Couples usually talk about what’s on their mind during pillow talk. It’s oftentimes an easy conversation about the events of the day or week, in a safe and comfortable space. Afterwards, you fall asleep.

Pillow Talk is a good thing.

Dear Diary,

Raul told me some of his concerns at work during pillow talk last night. I think he feels better about everything.

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Pillow Talk

Contrary to the top definition, Pillow Talk actually has two connotations.

The first connotation is the most thought of one. It's intimate talk with your romantic partner in bed, either before or after sex (but usually after). It is usually at this moment where all personal thoughts, desires and troubles are revealed in a candid tone. Those thoughts you've locked away during daytime are now front and center, completely transparent to your partner. Pillow talk can really be anything, it can be goofy or serious, but the main distinction is that everything spoken is 100% candid and true to themselves. No pretense, just you being you.

The second connotation is less restrictive and applies more generally. Here, Pillow Talk is referring to the intimate deep conversations between two or more people within a platonic relationship (e.g. friend, colleague). It often takes place in a location that stimulates bonding and conversation. For example, a literal sleepover with your friends can spur pillow talk, or a night out at a pub with your bros. Again, same meaning applies here. The conversations are usually very candid and lasts for hours, no pretense whatsoever.

Overall, pillow talk is a crucial component in relationships and its effect can be very therapeutic.

Example 1(A): During pillow talk, Amy revealed her troubled past with her abusive alcoholic father. His boyfriend consoled her and she felt a lot better.
Example 1(B): See any episode of two and a half men

Example 2: Jake and his buddies had a sleepover and they had a long pillow talk about anxiety and depression and seeked each other's help/advice.

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