Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pika pika?

The Pika-Pika No Mi also known as the Light-Light fruit is a logia type devil fruit that has the abilities to create, control and manipulate light. You can also turn your body in to light making yourself intangible to attacks. In addition you are granted with amazing speed and reflexes.

"No way! He ate the Pika Pika No Mi fruit!"

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Pika pika - video


Pika pika - what is it?

a way to end a roast off/ battle. Also can be used in an awkward silence.

p1: ur shoe size is bigger then ur brain!

p2: *no comeback*

p1: pika pika bitch

👍37 👎13

What does "Pika pika" mean?

To doink someone or do a girl in the butt

Damn girl, I want to pika pika

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Pika pika - what does it mean?

A phrase used by the character Pikachu in the popular anime Pokemon.

Ash Ketchum: let's go Pikachu!
Pikachu: Pika Pika!

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