Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Picaninny?

Someone who is a Pacific Islander. Pineapple is in reference to them being from one of the many Pacific Islands. Picaninny is in reference to them being dark-skinned.

That Pineapple Picaninny is nothing more than an ape wearing clothes.

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Picaninny - video


Picaninny - what is it?

A little black girl, who sports tight pig tails in every direction, clasped by a rainbow assortment of plastic barrettes. Can be used as a noun or an adjective.

Shooo gir, move yo picaninny head! I'm tryna watch Oprah!

👍193 👎123

What does "Picaninny" mean?

n. A young black person. slightly racist

Stems from Irish folklore of small, black faries that lived in the hills.

There were a bunch of picaninnies up at the park.

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