Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pettes?

En snubbe som är fett dum i huvudet. Han fick dessutom dissen av Mathila

Jag heter Pette!

Såååå... Vad gör ni ?

👍25 👎11

Pettes - meme gif

Pettes meme gif

Pettes - video


Pettes - what is it?

A retarded individual

My pett miguel is dumb

👍77 👎15

What does "Pettes" mean?

An extremely homosexual individual, Aled Jones looking freak and lazy.

Look at the fag watching twilight i bet he's a Petts.
OMG he looks just like Aled Jones he must be a Petts.

👍41 👎33

Pettes - what does it mean?

1.Scottish Slang Word Such As Mate, Dude, Pett...

2.Mispelled Pett

3.Close Friends Over-Use The Term

1.Pett, What You Doin'?!


3.Pett,How Are You? Pett,I'm Good Thanks Pett, How Are You? Good Pett....What You Doing Tonight Pett?

👍41 👎27

Pettes - meaning

The hardest, baddest motherfucker on the streets. Definitely has a 12 foot cock.

Dam pette is a pussy slayer

👍43 👎17

Pettes - definition

someone with a massive penis that can get any girl they want.

usually around 6'9 tall and 265 heavy.

starts on all sports and is a 5 star recruit.


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