Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pent up?

When you haven't had sex in an incredibly long time or are a virgin that desperately wants to bone and your sexual desire is so fuckin high that you feel like your dick/pussy is gonna explode

Damn man I haven't had sex since 2009, I've got so much pent up sexual energy

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Pent up - video


Pent up - what is it?

when some is sexually frustrated because that haven't gotten any action in a while. And nobody's tryna give em some.

"idk doc, I've been having alot of 'pent up frustration'.."

"So your horny?"


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What does "Pent up" mean?

It means you aren't getting any, and you want some.

Sara had a lot of pent up energy because she wasn't getting any from Max.

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Pent up - what does it mean?

when a guy has a boner he is pent up

boy: i'm soo pent up after see my girl friend

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Pent up - meaning

Repressed or inhibited.

Due to his sheltered life under his parents' protection, he was very pent-up in the way of romance.

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Pent up - definition

Feelings of lust and desire that you can't get off your mind. You don't have to be horny when you are pent-up, but most of the time that's how it goes.

I am so pent-up because I haven't got to spend time with my girlfriend in two weeks.

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Pent up - slang

Not cumming for 7 days to increase testosterone levels for a physical advantage

Iā€™m tryna get pent up this week for a huge lift Saturday

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