Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Patrick Dempsey?

The hottest
The sexiest
The fittest

man on earth.

Mcdreamy >>>>

Patrick dempsey is the most handsome man ever

👍27 👎11

Patrick Dempsey - video


Patrick Dempsey - what is it?

Actor who has his second breakthrough playing doctor McDreamy in the hit series Grey's Anatomy.
ahm...and sexiest man alive!

Dr. Meredith Grey: Did you let me scrub in for this operation because I slept with you?
Dr. Derek Shepherd(Patrick Dempsey) : Yes.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Just kidding.

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What does "Patrick Dempsey" mean?

another word for sexual fantasy

I dreamt a sexual Patrick Dempsey last night

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Patrick Dempsey - what does it mean?

A very gay man who plays Dr. McDreamy in Grays Anatomy and who many (much younger) girls have an unfortunate crush on

Shit, your mate is as gay as Patrick Dempsey!

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Patrick Dempsey - meaning

The hottest man in the world and is ma bae so back off.

Patrick Dempsey is another word for Derek Shepherd.

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Patrick Dempsey - definition

Quite possibly the sexiest man alive. Every mans girlfriend falls asleep thinking about him
Plays McDreamy on the hit show Grey's Anatomy

Hot, caring, loving, and ages like fine wine

Omg did you see Patrick Dempsey in the new Grey's episode?
Yessss! I swear he gets hotter every day

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