Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pastie?

A person with white skin. Not just white, like paper. But whiter! VERY WHITE

John: Wow! U look like someone has rubbed sperm all over u!
Pasty Dave: No! Never fear! i am just pasty!

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Pastie - what is it?

1. (n) (sing: Pastie) "Pay-stees" Pasties are adhesive coverings applied to conceal the nipples, often at a strip club. They vary in size and are usually not much larger than the performer's areola.

Pasties are currently worn by most neo-burlesque performers. Burlesque pasties may feature tassels which hang from their centers, which the performers often twirl while performing.

Some women wear pasties to conceal their nipples and keep them from poking out from under a shirt, instead of wearing a bra.

2. (n) (sing: Pasty) "Paa-stees" A pasty (Cornish: Pasti, Hoggan, incorrectly written as pastie) is a type of pie, originally from Cornwall, United Kingdom. It is a baked savoury pastry case traditionally filled with diced meat, sliced potato and onion.

Cornish miner migrants helped to spread pasties into the rest of the world in the 19th century. As tin mining in Cornwall began to fail, miners brought their expertise and traditions to new mining regions, such as the Upper Penninsela of Michigan, where a small influx of Finnish immigrants followed the Cornish miners in 1864. These Finns (and many other ethnic groups) adopted the pasty for use in the Copper Country copper mines. About 30 years later, a much larger flood of Finnish immigrants found their countrymen baking pasties, and assumed that it was a Finnish invention. As a result, the pasty has become strongly associated with Finnish culture in this area.

3. (n) (Sing: Pastie) "Pah-stees" A pastie is a large, round patΓ©d pie common to Northern Ireland. When accompanied with chips it is called a Pastie Supper.
Recipes vary, but the most common ingredients are minced meat, onion, potato and seasoning formed into a 'round' (just like a burger) which is generally then covered in a batter mix and deep fried. It is often served in a bread roll, locally known as a Pastie Bap.

"A stipper wearing pasties dropped a pastie in my pasty."

"Irish or Cornish?"

"It was a cornish pasty, not an Irish pastie. Oh, and the pastie was rubber."

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What does "Pastie" mean?

strong likka of 40 or 45 per cent abv, witta anise flava, made in France on the southside near Marseille. mainly mixed with water but can also be sipped alone. tastes good for ones, but if you don't like anise you'll hate it.

as the french say, a glass of pastis is just like a boob : only one is not enough but three is too much.

so drink five of deez glasses fulla pastis with no water and youll actda fool on the dancefloor, get drunk as fuck.

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Pastie - what does it mean?

A kid that is incredibly pale, if you should come along to one you must salute for the PWA (pasty white army) that many of them represent and ALWAYS ALWAYS make sure to pay tribute to the original pasty, Pasty Whites

Stupid person: HAI
Evan Joe Bob Jension: Im pasty
Stupid person: OK

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Pastie - meaning

glue-on nipple patches with or without tassles. some peole may consider tape patches over nipples as pasties, but that's debatable.

it would be really funny if there were a law that all fat guys could not wear shirts and had to wear pasties in public.

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Pastie - definition

the art of visiting a pasty shop to purchase pastys.
Also connected to cobbing it

Yo Alex1 you going pastying?
Sure Rob

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Pastie - slang

A tassle for your nipple so you can get 'naked' but not be totally out there, but it doesn't cover very much at all.

She was not naked, she was wearing a pastie.

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An Irish meal. Sliced beef with onions and potatoes with gravy rolled into bread and fried. Served with fries. What your friend from Michigan keeps saying he wants for dinner and no one knows what the hell he's talking about.

"I want a pastie for dinner."

"You'll get taco bell and like it, damn yooper."

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A definition of a pastie origionated from Cornish pastie. It was then changed to coonish pasties, and finally pastie for short.

How many 'pasties' are there in london?

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A pale almost transparent non-healthy skin color on Caucasians . Usually on parts of the body that are covered from the sun.

Do you see how pastie that girls thigh was? You could see all of the veins in her leg

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