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What is Party car?

A party , usually a family party, where the male host requests that the guys bring two cars so their significant others can leave with the kids, and the guys can stay and get shitfaced and shit.

Sully had a two-car-party for his boy last weekend.
They had some jumpy thing bullshit but the wife took the rugrats home around 8 and we stayed up all night playing hold 'em and doin' shots of Jameson.

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Party car - video


Party car - what is it?

Drive around while drunk (designated driver of course) and bump music and have lots of girls in the car wit you and just be hella wild!

Last night was crazy bro, Car Party! We drove around like six hours from Seattle to WC to Des Moines drunk just being hella wild! >=)

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What does "Party car" mean?

3 to 6 people sitting in one car parked in a commuter lot engaging in activities such as chain smoking, drinking, recreational drug use, listening to music, talking shit about people, and sometimes casual sex. Usually a last ditch effort to get fucked up without having a place to go and the bars are lame. Often frowned upon by the unitiated. Usually they last until the wee hours of the morning.

"Had nothing to do last night so we just sat at the commuter lot for a car party and listened to "Midnight City" by M83 on repeat and got blackout drunk."

"Sounds pathetic"

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Party car - what does it mean?

(PARTYCAR) - A secret code for the LYFT app that gives new users up to $50 in free ride credit.

I just downloaded LYFT and typed Party car in the payment section and they drove me home for free!

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Party car - meaning

This is an event that happens every so often during the summer season in a beach town when your under 21 and there is nothing at all to do. This involves driving around in a car (preferably one with a good sounds system) with a group of your friends at night when the streets are full of shoebies. Everyone in the car must be wearing aviator sun glasses as you blast 90's dance music. The job of everyone in the car upon pulling up to a group of people, is to stare at them while keeping a strait face. Party car is achieved when the people outside of the car start to dance.

Dude I'm bored, i think its time for party car

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Party car - definition

This is an event that happens every so often during the summer season in a beach town when your under 21 and there is nothing at all to do. This involves driving around in a car (preferably one with a good sounds system) with a group of your friends at night when the streets are full of shoebies. Everyone in the car must be wearing aviator sun glasses as you blast 90's dance music. The job of everyone in the car upon pulling up to a group of people, is to stare at them while keeping a strait face. Party car is achieved when the people outside of the car start to dance.

Dude im bored, its time for party car

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Party car - slang

A car without parents/adults being present

Dude, our parents are gone, let’s have a party car!

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Party car

Blasting music dangerously loud with the windows down at night while dancing and singing/screaming to everyone on the streets until they feel extreme jealousy and want to party with you. Often it could lead to near accidents, but that just makes it more of a party.

Wow, look at those girls dancing in that car having a good time. I want to join that party car!

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