Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Panha?

the beast of Cambodia #ZLATAN - almost alcoholic and will become Cambodia's future star Striker

Oh my god, Panha is so good at football

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Panha - video


Panha - what is it?

The type of guy who likes to joke around all the TIME. Also the type of guy who is lazy but would go through loops to be with you.

Panha loves salmon
Panha is shorty

Does Panha play football a lot?
Panha is a boy in Cambodia

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What does "Panha" mean?

the kind of guy who would not give you a whole Taro Bun, but half of it instead.

Kyle: Dude this dude gave me half a Taro Bun!
Devin: No way dude! He's such a Panha.

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Panha - what does it mean?

A kind, caring person who have the best personality she might be shy but once you get to know her more you’ll know that she’s insanely hilarious. (Pan-ya)

Friend :hey can I borrow your pencil?
Panha :sure you can just have it :D
Friend :omg thanks your super kind

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