Definder - what does the word mean?

What is PUPI?

louis william tomlinson

β€œmi pupi chiquitito”

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PUPI - meme gif

PUPI meme gif

PUPI - video


PUPI - what is it?

Louis William Tomlinson

pupi hermoso de mi corazon πŸ€²πŸ’“

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What does "PUPI" mean?

unique and exclusive nickname that can ONLY use lola= julieta to harry styles

my pupi is the most wonderful human

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PUPI - what does it mean?

pupi unique and exclusive nickname of 70sdebut to refer to hrry

harry looks amazing on that suit!
yeah! my pupi rocks it!

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PUPI - meaning

pupi es como el fandom hispano de louis tomlinson se refiere a el de manera tierna porque es un bebΓ© y hay que tratarlo como tal, es un apodo porque el es un pupi osea quien no quiere abrazar al pupi, TE QUIERO ABRAZAR LOUIS TOMLINSON /PUPI

-viste la foto que saliΓ³ de louis?

-voy a ver al pupi en vivo, en el concierto que da en MΓ©xico

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PUPI - definition

es como el fandom hispano de louis tomlinson se refiere a el, se usa porque el es un bebΓ© y hay que tratarlo como tal osea un pupi

voy a ver al pupi en el concierto que da en mexico


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PUPI - slang

someone who shits every where they go.

Jp is a huge pupi monster

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Another name for large amounts of pubes.

Did you see Stacys pupis coming out of her swimsuit today!!

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A nickname for a dog. The dog will respond if addressed by this nickname often enough.

" Pupie! Come and get dinner!"

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A dog that is missing one of its limbs. Also known as 3/4 of a dog

Micaela: Hey did you see Kevin's new dog?
Michal: Yeah! I think it's actually a pupy!
Micaela: Aw! Pupys are so cute.
Michal: Yeah, I hope it doesn't have too much trouble climbing the stairs with one of his legs missing!

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