Definder - what does the word mean?

What is PUBBIN?

Negative term, given to those whose actions are noobish, and will never be good in any form of life...

(Tony F. Pwned By Swamp Rat) ...<<PUBBIN

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PUBBIN - video


PUBBIN - what is it?

To cram an incessant amount of Pub Cheese down your throat, in a manner that makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

-Dude, Fred doesn't look good
-Yeah, he's been pubbin' all night!

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What does "PUBBIN" mean?

verb: the act of being pubby.

anderson verajao is pubbin

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PUBBIN - what does it mean?

1. The act of visiting several different pubs, clubs, or bars.

2. A gaming term, meant to join and play on public game servers.

1. The girls went pubbin last night, but still didn't get to visit all the clubs.

2. My brother and I spent the day pubbin since we didn't have our own private server.

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