Definder - what does the word mean?


the pains of the lower abdomen experienced during constipation or during a nasty bout of food poisoning

backpacker A- "damn, I'm doubled over with a poo period here"

Bakcpacker B - "Yeah, that'll be those deep fried tarantula gonads you had off that dodgy looking street vendor mate"

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PERIOD POO - video


PERIOD POO - what is it?

When a girl takes a shit on her period

John: Bro whats with these women and their period poos?
Adam: Yeah bro.

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What does "PERIOD POO" mean?

Something a 12 or 13 yr old would say after they end a conversation

Just stop making a big deal about it, end of conversation, period poo!

👍45 👎15

PERIOD POO - what does it mean?

When your bestie agrees with you.

Yessss girl period poo

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