Definder - what does the word mean?

What is PERFECT person?

A person whom has little to no red flags, makes you happier than words can express, and is everything you want and more

โ€œDuuuddeee I just fell in love with this dude Devin, he is literally The Perfect Personโ€

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PERFECT person - video


PERFECT person - what is it?

my girlfriend and love of my life, Makahla Downey

yeah, youโ€™re cool but youโ€™re not the most perfect person like my girlfriend Makahlaโ€ฆ sorry.

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What does "PERFECT person" mean?

beat rice Car man

Damn if only i was the most perfect and fantabulous person in the world like Beat rice Car man

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PERFECT person - what does it mean?

The most perfect person is Tarkov, also known as Lukaโ€™s pretty boy. Theyโ€™re amazing, adorable, and so much more.

โ€œDo you know the most perfect person?โ€
โ€œYeah! His name is Tarkov. Theyโ€™re really cute, too!โ€

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PERFECT person - meaning


Jonah is a perfect person

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PERFECT person - definition

Oh sorry, that couldnโ€™t be found cause no one is perfect!

โ€œHey have you seen that one perfect person?โ€
โ€œNo what do they look like?โ€
โ€œIdk they donโ€™t exist.โ€

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PERFECT person - slang

A person/fictional character that isn't Lux from League of Legends, one can never be perfect

Lux from League of Legends is not a real person, nor is she a perfect person

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PERFECT person

someone who is sweet, caring, there for you, beautiful both inside and out, smart, brave, and just pure amazing. They seem like an angel sent from above but thats just who they are. they may make a few mistakes but they own up to them and take responsibility. they are perfect

"Hey you know Fred?"
"Yeah what about him"
"He's always so nice and sweet and just a down right genuine guy"
"Ya, hes a Perfect Person"

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PERFECT person

A perfect person is somebody who gets on Urban Dictionary and insults others on Urban Dictionary who look up things such as "emo", "scene", "prep", etc.

These people choose to write very biased definitions that should simply not be taken under any consideration whatsoever.

They listen to plain boring music. A small mix, really. Bands that almost everybody likes. They wear plain clothing, have average hair, live in an average house, etc. They're boring and love to insult others' style.

Also, if there's a definition that they don't agree with, they put a thumbs down.

"I hate emo people. Since I'm a perfect person, I'm going to go write retarded definitions because I have nothing wrong with me."

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PERFECT person

Synonym for you

Person A: have you ever met a perfect person?
Person B: omg thereโ€™s one reading this right now!

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