Definder - what does the word mean?

What is OzBargain?

An ozbargainer is an individual that preys on companies or businesses to obtain items for well under cost at the cost of the company and then will complain about the product to affect company reputation and post false reviews online.

OzBargainer is an individual that preys on companies or businesses to obtain items for well under cost at the cost of the company and then will complain about the product to affect company reputation and post false reviews online.

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OzBargain - meme gif

OzBargain meme gif

OzBargain - video


OzBargain - what is it?

To be unexpectedly swamped by a phenomenal number of random customers for the sole purpose of getting something for cheap or free, who most probably gave you fake details and whom you will never hear from again.

Originated many years ago when the internet was made. Most consumers causing this to occur are either one of the following:


From what can be seen on ozbargain, one would assume it would be cheap and unemployed.

Man: Check this out wifey this company is giving away a non-stick fry pan, should I get one?

Woman (enters from kitchen, where she rightfully belongs cooking up a well deserved meal to the hard working (refer back to cheap and unemployed) husband doing nothing but scrolling through ozbargain on his lunch break from doing nothing)

Woman: No it's going to be ozbargained and they will just end up stealing our detai...

Man cuts off woman and waves her back to the kitchen. In disbelief he quickly enters false details.

Man then spends the next month looking out the window and pouncing on the postie accusing him of stealing their mail as the non-stick fry pan has not yet arrived.

This company has been ozbargained.

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What does "OzBargain" mean?

To be unexpectedly swamped by a phenomenal number of cheapskates for the sole purpose of getting something for cheap or free, who most probably gave you fake details and whom you will never hear from again.

Employee: Sir, we have run out of stock of the freebie that was offered to only pregnant women.
Boss: Damn, we got ozbargained, I had enough stock for all women in Australia

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OzBargain - what does it mean?

The term used to describe the process, act or the resulting aftermath of a freebie or bargain once reported to the OzBargain website. Often caused by swarms of individuals seeking self gain, even for items such as $0.01 digital thermometers or iPhone screen protectors. Sites that have been "OzBargained" usually experience server crashes and depleted stocks.

"this wont be ozbargained :P"

"It is still free, and that is the magic word in my book!"

*Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.*

"It is now!"


"Gone now. โ€œArticle doesnโ€™t existโ€

"They canceled the freebie.
The company realised that they were getting โ€œozbargainedโ€.

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OzBargain - meaning

OzBargain was once a reputable Australian website which was community driven, where users could post bargains, freebies and deals.

However those days are over, as most of the deals posted are now sponsored advertised posts.

For example eBay deals are often posted by associated sponsered users, but are never marked as such.

The website now promotes dirty business practices such as "price jacking" (where a business claims they are having a big 20% off sale, but actually raise prices prior to the sale starting, resulting in the prices being more expensive). They also allow users to posts advertising of products at RRP with no discounts as bargains (Nintendo SNES mini console is a popular example).

The majority of users on the website are now sheeples, and unable to tell what a real bargain is anymore. Instead they are easily manipulated by popular shill users, that sneakily post sponsered/affiliated posts as bargains without the sheeples being aware.

Guy 1: Have you seen any good deals on OzBargain lately?

Guy 2: Nah, just another eBay pricejacking "deal" posted by that shill tightarse, that has 1000+ votes, yet no actual bargain.

Guy 1: Damn dude. It's so sad what that website has become now.

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