Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ophs?

A term that sounds, and is loosely related to the term ''oaf''.

It is a word to define an insane psychopath that is usually, more often than not, perverted. Like an urban ''oaf'' It is the name of one of the anonymous lurker of /b/, Opherian. Used as a codename to this particular anon. Questions arise as to whether creatures that act like thi one are truly human.

''That guy is an Oph.'' Wait, that Oph is here?

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Ophs - meme gif

Ophs meme gif

Ophs - video


Ophs - what is it?

Original pleasing human

That man is very popular. He is an oph

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What does "Ophs" mean?

Old People Hatred Syndrome

OPHSER: "God dude your grandma wont shut the fuck up.
I just hate the way she does everything."
Grandson: "Dude it's my grandma, relax!"

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Ophs - what does it mean?

Onomatopoeic sound made by your best friend after finding him with your wife

your best friend: Ophs!

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Ophs - meaning


over the pond hug

needed when good friends move against their will to a foreign country

note: can be used to describe both Pacific and Atlantic ocean

Justin: Oh snap Kathryn I"m torn between two girls! I wish you were here to help.

Kathryn: Nah its okay dear sir. OPH!

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Ophs - definition

OPH is short for over the pants handy. Also known as dry humping.

Guy 1: yo, did you hear about Joe at the party last night?

Guy 2: no, what happened?

Guy 1: He totally got an OPH from that slutty girl Sally while sitting on the front of everybody.

Guy 2: Damn, Joe is the man!

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Ophs - slang

Other peoples hair.

Girl you sho have beautiful hair. Oh, sista please. dis OPH.

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Orange Pussy Hair. (see Fire Crotch)

Usually found on natural redheads. OPH is vibrant and colorful.

Not to be confused with Light Brown Pussy Hair or LBPH, a common mistake when examining fare skinned brunettes.

A pretty rare breed, but common amongst the Irish.

I took this girl home last night and discovered some serious OPH.

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OPH! is a word usually used by someone who has just seen or heard something that has enabled them to react in a shocked/amazed manner.

Are you crazy!?

Random Slag: Drive me to work
Guy: OPH!

A Guy deals weed in kfc..

Your reaction would be: OPH!

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Original Player Hater. You keep hating on someone no matter what. You keep hating till they got nothing left. When they finally got nothing left, you hate on them for that too.

Ice-T is the biggest OPH of all time.

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