Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Open Door's?

a game played to determine who is in charge of opening the next locked door. preferably while walking towards dorm. game starts the second you leave a building and head back to the dorm. one person calls "shot not open door" and then the others must race to say shot not open door. last person to call it must open the door. no exceptions. all contestants must wait until the loser opens the door. if the loser says shot not open door a second time and anyone responds, the responder is now responsible for openning door.

shot not open door

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Open Door's - video


Open Door's - what is it?

While living in a community usually in the college setting, such as a dorm or apartment. Open door policy means masturbating whilst the door remains open for the rest of the house/dorm mates to see.

Matt: Dude go walk by 706!

Neil: Why?

Matt: Brian is enforcing the open door policy!

Neil: Oh Gawd!

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What does "Open Door's" mean?

Takes shit without closing door and others are in the building.

I knew things wouldn't last between myself and that girl because she was an ODD (open door dumper)

👍25 👎11

Open Door's - what does it mean?

A phrase that in the perfect world you should be able to talk about any problems you have with your job guilt free.
How it really works come in talk to us and we will fire your ass.

If you have any problems come on in and talk to us we have a open door policy were all one big happy family family.

Jim: my manager is making fun of me.
That manager got a talking to

Now Jim has a write up hours cut and and is on the verge of getting fired

👍49 👎13

Open Door's - meaning

dropping a deuce with the door open

"Fenny's open door beauty gave me a scare with its pungent aroma"

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Open Door's - definition

A cricketing term used to describe a spin bowler attempting to deliver off break or left arm orthodox deliveries.

Due to only managing the slightest of rotations on the ball no more than opening a door in basic day to day life the player therefore is given the title of 'door opener' or is believed to be 'opening doors' each time he delivers the ball. The use of this term is dated back to the early 2000s and was first used by the great Billy Oswell of Brisbane.

Monty Panesar..... Pffffff he's not troubling anyone he's just opening doors.

👍27 👎13

Open Door's - slang

A gap between the front two teeth of a person. Typically quite large in size.

OMG he was cute until he smiled and I noticed he had an open door!
WHAT?! You don't like open doors? I love them!

👍31 👎23

Open Door's

A person in your life with whom you have not fully closed the sexual component of your friendship. So you might not have talked for months but you say hey and go to bed together that night, or at least end up sexting, and then go back to not talking for months.

Me: "Dude, I was so smashed last night I texted my open door Lisa and woke up next to her this morning. Not again!"

👍35 👎17

Open Door's

A female who is always up for a sexual encounter.

Hunter hit the open door before going out to hang out with his buddies.

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Open Door's

The Open Door is the second studio release by hard-rock band Evanescence. It was released on October 3, 2006 in the United States. The tracklisting is as such:

1. Sweet Sacrifice
2. Call Me When You're Sober
3. Weight of the World
4. Lithium
5. Cloud Nine
6. Snow White Queen
7. Lacrymosa
8. Lke You
9. Lose Control
10. The Only One
11. You're Star
12. All That I'm Living For
13. Good Enough

The first single off the album is 'Call Me When You're Sober', written about lead singer Amy Lee's ex-boyfriend, Shaun Morgan of the South African hard rock band Seether. The next single is 'Lithium', slated for release around Halloween of 2006.

Evanescence's previous albums include the multiple-times platinum Fallen, the live album Anywhere But Home {which was released with a live DVD}, and the demos Origin, the Sound Asleep EP, and the self-titled Evanescence EP.

The Open Door is a really badass album by Evanescence.

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