Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Oogly?

A game played with two people using their hands.
It's a game of endurance, where both person creates a sweeping motion on the other persons hand, while calling out oooooooooooogly, after of which the game changes, with both players flailing their fingers into each others.

There is a variation of the game, where finger nails, or "claws" (where the name comes from) are used to dig into each others fingers. This is called Clawgly, and is frowned apon in the Oogly community.

"Wanna game of oogly?"
"Sure thing!"
"HEY!, No clawgly!"

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Oogly - meme gif

Oogly meme gif

Oogly - video


Oogly - what is it?

That feeling in your stomach when you can't decide if you're about to puke or shit your pants.

"Get outta the bathroom, that street meat got me ooglie as all fuckin' hell!"

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What does "Oogly" mean?

when you're not feeling good and have a stomach ache, and you scrunch up your face like "ooo" such that your ugly.

man....i'm feeling oogly today.

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Oogly - what does it mean?

An overwhelming feeling of giddiness due to a cute situation.

Usually results in a high-pitched voice, giggling, and the inability to stop smiling.

Watching the old couple hold hands made Felicia ooglie all day.

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Oogly - meaning

1. Your not ugly
2.Your way worse Then ugly.
3.Your so ugly that they had to change that one "u" into 2 o's

damn girl you oogly!

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Oogly - definition

When a person is so ugly, that their ugliness frightens people.

"That last girl you dated, was ugg lly"! "She wans't that bad, and she had a good personality" "You trippin, that girl was so ugly, that she was oogly!!"

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Oogly - slang

being beyond the word ugly

You're so damn ugly the have to change the spelling of the word to describe you.

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a person so ugly that the word ugly cannot complety compact a person's ugliness

that girl so ugly she aint even ugly she oogly

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If "ugly" is defined as "being hit with an ugly stick", oogly is "being beaten with an ugly log."

Damn! Yo girl's oogly!

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A word to describe someone who is often stared at because they are attractive.

This word comes from Oogling, which is staring at someone for a period of time because you have a crush on them, or they are attractive.

"You are quite oogly. I always see girls staring at you in class."

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