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What is Off key?

Off Key

Off key describes someone who suddenly proclaims that they're going through her menopause.

Jo Bloggs: "Oh hi Sue. How was yr weekend?"
Sue: "I spent it on my menopause. Happy now?"
Jo Bloggs under his breath: " Sue is acting really off key this morning. I better keep out of her way."

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Off key - video

Off key - what is it?

when you are having a poo and you "snap the key off in the lock" it breakes off so you loose all your ground and suddenly gravity has no affect on your poo resulting in working harder

Gwen: how was your poo dear?
James: yes dear quite Satisfying up untill
i snaped the key off in the lock!

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What does "Off key" mean?

It’s just something that ain’t right. It don’t feel good it’s just totally off key man

Oh no that was off key bro

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Off key - what does it mean?

Uncool, Cheap, Crap

Them Creps are Off Key fo' shizzle

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Off key - meaning

1. Wrong, raw, disgusting.

2. Random, sudden, unexpectedly jokes.

"you're so off key" - after sticking finger up arse and wiping on policeman's face.

"that was the most off key scene I've ever seen" - Commenting on various scenes in Kill Bill.

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Off key - definition

wrong , sick , disgusting , good ,

that chick is offkey (in a horrible way)
or that car is offkey look at the 24"s on it.

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Off key - slang

Singing in the wrong note or pitch; flat or sharp.

Kenny,Kevin,Jim,Jamie,Matt,Matt,Robert,Jason,Jon,Bill,Tom,Uriah,Harun,Hayden,Harvey,Fargo and Theo are all horrible singers,the way they always sing off key.

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Off key

used to describe anything wierd, yet cool.

Mate, that 'fro is well off key

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