Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ORGASMO?

when a guy hangs on a chandelier while a girl gives him a blow job while they spin in circles on the chandelier until then fall off

I invited my girl friend over to have a orgasmo-copter

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ORGASMO - meme gif

ORGASMO meme gif

ORGASMO - video


ORGASMO - what is it?

orgasmo bloom

i say no more.

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What does "ORGASMO" mean?

An adjective to be used for only the greatest things in your day to day life. It is a different level of greatness than orgasmic because it's so good that it must be from a different time and place. It's like comparing orgasms in your life now to those first orgasms when you were in grade/middle school where you didn't know wtf was happening to your body. They just don't compare.

The Gyro platter that Travis enjoyed today for lunch was orgasmoic.

The feeling Justin gets from a Chinatown rub-n-tug is orgasmoic.

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ORGASMO - what does it mean?

The Orgasmical Man

"I am Orgasmo! The Orgasmical Man"

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ORGASMO - meaning

a super fast car or object that gives you an orgasm

man, that 2003 chevrolet corvette lingenfeller 427 is an orgasmo!

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ORGASMO - definition

Organsmo - a film which created the popular phrase - "I am Sancho"

I watched Orgasmo and now i say "I am Sancho"

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ORGASMO - slang

The God of Orgasms

Also known by - God of Nutts, Progenitor of Nutts, Releaser of semen, Breaker of Balls, Source of Strokes, Creator of Cum, Saint of Spanks, Lord of Libido

We Kneel to the one true god Orgasmos

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The orgasm superhero

Orgasmo: What is it my white sticky friend?

Semen Boy: Its your arch enemy! crabman!

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A bad-ass comedy starring Trey Parker and Matt Stone...Trey Parker plays a mormon who gets a job as a porn star and meets Lightning Dave (Matt Stone) who is a fucked-up man who has the hots for Trey Parker

women: ORGASMO!!

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An adjective to be used for only the greatest things in your day to day life. It is a different level of greatness than orgasmic because it's so good that it must be from a different time and place. It's like comparing orgasms in your life now to those first orgasms when you were in grade/middle school where you didn't know wtf was happening to your body. They just don't compare.

The Gyro platter that Travis enjoyed today for lunch was orgasmoic.

The feeling Justin gets from a Chinatown rub-n-tug is orgasmoic.

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