Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ORDER?

A request that is often difficult to meet and/or fulfill.

When asked by Betsy for credit on yet another purchase, David replied "Bitch, you done owe me fifty bucks and another blow job. What you're asking fo sho is a tall order".

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ORDER - meme gif

ORDER meme gif

ORDER - video


ORDER - what is it?

Autistic physics teacher

pupil: sir have u marked my homework ?
Orders: 'stops kicking wall, turns around and head buts desk'

No, I FUCKING haven't!

'goes back to kicking wall'

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What does "ORDER" mean?

One of life’s first-and-foremost β€œdouble-edged swords” --- something that can β€œcut both ways” as far as definition and desirability is concerned. While it can refer to a welcomed stack of purchase-agreements that will bring wealth and prosperity to its recipient, it can also mean stern/irritable directives to do/not do something that its recipient hates/wants to do.

Travelling company salesman: Boy, did I get two big orders today!
Boss: Great! What were they?
Salesman: Well, the first one was, β€œkeep out” and the second one was, β€œstay out”.

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ORDER - what does it mean?

Order is Jesus. Order is Twins with car and is one of Stars 8 children. She writes fanfics about sad men doing sad things like demon go possess. Order is a 5ievel apologist. Order is our beloved all hail.

Order my beloved

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ORDER - meaning

Arranging a prostitute to come to your place

I don't feel like going out tonight, I'm just going to call the escort service and order in.

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ORDER - definition

Autistic Physics teacher who takes anger out with physical violence on walls and tables

Student: Sir have you marked my homework?

Orders teacher: 'stops kicking wall' No I FUCKING HAVEN'T

'head butts desk'
' and kick walls again'

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ORDER - slang

A fictional(?) racist group from the Turner Diaries. The Order is part Neo-Nazi part KKK. The main Charater joins the Order to fullfill his destiny and die for the 14 words.

"The Order handed out our assignments. I have to join with Section 8 to get explosives."

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1. The polar opposite of Chaos.

2. A state of reality in which one's reality is under control. ie. Peace.

3. A command.

1. Order negates Chaos. Chaos negates Order. Without one, you cannot have the other.

2. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

3. See command.

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To violently beat your elbow on a surface and call order on your friends to settle down

Order in the god dam court

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Shall be done in a particular manner, or according to a method or plan

I have wash, get ready for work and drop of the kids; in that order

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