Definder - what does the word mean?


1. Telling somebody to suck your dick.

2. Telling somebody to bow to you.

3. The act of proposing marriage.

You better hit your knees, bitch.

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ON YOUR KNEES - what is it?

Euphemism relating to masturbation. Generally used when caught red handed and in desperate need of an excuse to avert suspicion.

Did you get caught in your hotel room scratching your knee again?

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What does "ON YOUR KNEES" mean?

Telling someone that you suck at something. Also used as a sexual reference to a blowjob (Oral sex).

1) "I'm joining the Basketball team" "Dude, Your Knees Are Red, you won't make it" 2)"Hey whose that pretty girl over there?" "Who? Kim? Her Knees Are Red from so many guys she's given head to."

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ON YOUR KNEES - what does it mean?

When your wife/husband disobeys you and you need to deal with it so u tell him/her to get on their knees and u spank them and also make out with them and give them pleasureπŸ‘ˆ well im not sure if this one actually happens. Listen guys and girls don't do this as abuse but rather do it as love enjoyment NOT ABUSE ENJOYMENT

Wife: You have been a really bad boy u always put the salt on the high shelf everyday when you are suppose to put it on the kitchen table like i ask that's it Get on your knees.

Husband: Im so sorry babe
Wife: Sorry won't fix it this time and address me as ma'am whenever i order you to get on your knees.
Husband: Apologies yes ma'am
Wife: good boy. Im gonna enjoy this 😏

Husband: why do u keep putting your shoes at the front of the door im always tripping on it. Well like you did to me last week im gonna have to do it to you Get on your knees.
Wife: yes babe i'll do it for you
Husband: ah i see you too have forgotten the rule. Call me SIR

Wife: oh i'm really really sorry sir am i gonna get extra more spanks than i did to you last week?
Husband: yep 😁😏

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ON YOUR KNEES - meaning

β€žHands on your knees I’m Angelina Jolieβ€œ

Usually describes giving head

β€žLemme put my hands on your knees you can braid my hair do a fat crisscross in the back somewhereβ€œ

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ON YOUR KNEES - definition

give me a blowjob bitch

get on your knees: women kneels over, places herself in position where she is on her knees, unzips males pantaloons and thus gives oral sex.

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To get down on your knees and suck his cock! Or dick, penis, or whatever.

Get on your knees. bitch!

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A command issued by a man instructing a slut to get on her knees and give him a nice, long blowjob.

Horny guy: Hey bitch! On your knees!
(slut starts to suck guy's cock)

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The final and ultimate insult in a string of insults consisting of your mom, your face, and your mom's face.

Pirate: You're dumb.
Ninja: Your MOM is dumb.
Pirate: Your FACE is dumb.
Ninja: Your MOM'S FACE is dumb.
Pirate: Your KNEE is dumb!
Ninja: ...! *cries like a featherweight crybaby*

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as in to get on one's knees in order for one to suck domeone else's dick.

Jaqarius: Get over here and get on your knees bitch!

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