Definder - what does the word mean?

What is OMV?

Oh my vains


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OMV - meme gif

OMV meme gif

OMV - video


OMV - what is it?

ooh my vee!, pun on "ooh my gawd!". Used mostly only by Pokemon lovers in chatrooms.

"OMV!!!1! are you okkies??!1"

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What does "OMV" mean?

oh my Vick. an expression similar to omg (oh my god) but in reverence to Michael Vick, god of all things football

omv!!1 He will lead us to the promised land! Vick-tory awaits!

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OMV - what does it mean?

like omg but the version worshiping the god vee

omv i love you omv omv

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OMV - meaning

An acronym standing for β€œOn My Vibe”

β€œYo how you doing today?”
β€œYou know me, baby, omv.”

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OMV - definition

Oh my VAG...short for Oh my vagina

An expression used by both men and women alike expressing astonishment or awe.

"He just did a tripple backflip on his BMX --> Oh my VAG"

"I cant believe after going down on me he went down on my friend ---> Oh my VAG"

Whilst texting/imm'ing ---> "dude what you just said is so wrong...OMV"

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OMV - slang

.It stand 4
Your VIENS make that reaction happen so you should be ohhing your viensπŸ˜…


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An abbreviation for β€œoh my Void,” which takes the place of OMG (β€œoh my God”) for non-theists.

Jeff Brinkley: "'Oh my God?' What do you mean, 'Oh my God?' You ought to say 'Oh my Void!' F---ing atheist." Hence, OMV.

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Stands For Oh My Vagina . Used by Cretzu&TheBitches in CostAngeles ( Constanta , Romania )

How was that Kathy ? Like OMV !

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Acronym for Oh, my Voldemort! Only to be used by the faithful servants of the Dark Lord, but ONLY in acronym form, as the mentioning of his name is utterly blasphemous! And if you don't know who the Dark Lord is, then shame on you, and don't ever utter this word!

OMV! Is that the new Death Mask! I've been SO wanting one! All the fashionable Death Eaters are wearing them!

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