Definder - what does the word mean?

What is OK COOL?

the coolest fucking creative agency in london.

we got our content from ok cool - it was fucking rad

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OK COOL - video


OK COOL - what is it?

Oh cool, an incredible person, usually more incredible through someone elseโ€™s eyes, than their own. Very sharp, mondernly intelligent, but more so someone strong,, not tall, but very sturdy , yet soft, small but not week. Someone who could be rich yet down to earth.

If you meet a cool, never betray them, or walk away, in a new world full of new things old souls are rare.

Coming in from out of the rain, ok oh cool

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What does "OK COOL" mean?

You use it when You are uninterested in what someone has to say, but You want to seem interested in it. Or when You dont know how to reply to something and want to change the topic

"omg me and one of my friends raided a discord server today it was so much fun"

"thats amazing ok cool"

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OK COOL - what does it mean?

The perfect way to dismiss what someone is saying . To totally blow someone off when they are talking nonsense.

YOu respond OK Cool Hook Em, when your buddy says, Dude, you know my football team is way better than yours.

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OK COOL - meaning

Ok cool, anyways. It's usually better without the comma, as to show whoever you're talking to clearly does not care about what you just said and would like to move on or tell you about why they're angry with you, or the weird dream they had last night. If someone says this to you, they might be a bit ignorant or just in a rush.

Person 1: Hey did you hear about {this or that}?!
Person 2: Yeah whatever
Person 1: Isn't it crazy?!
Person 2: Yeah ok cool anyways

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OK COOL - definition

something a chodemaster says when he/she doesn't take the time to actually read the email you just sent

John (chodemaster): "Can you look into this? (forwards an email chain without actually even reading anything attached)"

Mike: "Hey so I accidently deleted all the customer records in the database and didn't do anything you just asked"

John (chodemaster): "ok cool thanks"

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OK COOL - slang

Basically means Fuck You!

Person A: hey wanna go to the movies next weekend

Person B: ok cool

cool story bro

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When they say ok cool it dont really mean ok cool.mainly used when arguing

Ganja the beef is squashed- ok cool

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