Definder - what does the word mean?

What is OFFSET?

When movie directors cast a person of color in their films to avoid criticisms of being racist. It doesn't really work and follows along the same logic as a carbon offset, "I'm doing something bad, so I'll buy my way out of it so that I can continue to have the moral high-ground--or at least not be criticized as having a racist movie."

Samuel L. Jackson is in the new Star Wars movies, so they couldn't be racist. He's one of Lucas's melanin offsets. Mace Windu is a melanin offset for Jar-Jar Binks.

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OFFSET - meme gif

OFFSET meme gif

OFFSET - video


OFFSET - what is it?

A guitar, usually electric, featuring an offset "waist." The lower and upper sections are offset from each other. The offset waist was designed to be more comfortable when playing in a seated position. These guitars and basses were introduced in the late 50's with the Fender Jazzmaster. The guitar was embraced by the Surf music scene. This prompted Fender to release the short scale Jaguar, and many others. Some examples include the Fender Jazzmaster, Fender Jaguar, Fender Mustang, Fender Musicmaster, Fender Toronado, Jazz Bass, many Reverend guitars.

I really love to play my Offset Guitar through my '65 Fender Twin Reverb!

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What does "OFFSET" mean?

An act of pretending to care about the environment. The attempt to justify ones use of greenhouse gas emissions. A false hope for solving global warming. The act of buying ‘carbon credits’ from a third-party company that says it will offset the carbon emissions the purchaser produces. The problem with carbon offsetting is it allows companies to continue to produce harmful greenhouse gasses while their offset has done little or nothing to counter global warming. A recent Financial Times article found that many offset companies and their 'carbon credits' were of either uncertain value or were completely worthless. Global warming cannot be solved by just planting more trees, a common way to attempt to offset ones emissions. If global warming could be solved by just planting trees, environmentalists would be planting night and day. A certain well known ex-vice-pres 'eco-maniac' very interestingly endorses the practice of carbon offsetting. The industry of carbon offsetting is expected to double by 2010.

A better solution to solve global warming is to reduce total emissions as much a possible.

Source: google carbon offset and financial times

Gore: google al gore and carbon offset

Journalist: Environmentalists say your company is going to produce a 3% increase in greenhouse gas emissions on earth.

Company CEO: That is indeed super true, but it's totally okay because we carbon offset. We bought a shit-ton of carbon credits, so we are carbon neutral, duuuude!

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OFFSET - what does it mean?

Rebranding of the word 'exercise', for the type of people that do that kind of thing. It's a 21st century mindset; not exercising to get fit or healthy like most other functioning humans but offsetting the shit lifestyle you already enjoy.

I'm walking to work instead of driving this week because I'm carb offsetting tonights 10 pints.

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OFFSET - meaning

Similar to a carbon offset. Involves bringing a girl/girls to a party to increase your chances of getting in by negating the effect of another guy in the place.

Guy 1: Damn, this party is a real sausage fest, we're never getting in.

Guy 2: Relax, I brought Alesia and Watermelondrea as dick offsets.

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OFFSET - definition

The word a stupid fuck uses to define wheels that commonly have negative offset values.

Damn bruh them offsets you have for sale are tight can I make payments?

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OFFSET - slang

A rapper from the famous trio, Migos. Also, a cheating ass nigga with like eight different baby mammas.

yo offset a dumbass nigga he be cheating on cardi
don't be an offset

offset's goatee be looking like a square ball sack

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To put off

This was offset by that

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The Slang "offset" Means "Gansta" Or "Crazy" Person.

He Claim To Be A "Offset" While He Is Nothing But A Dork.

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One of the three members of the rap group migos. Known for trapping, robbery, and his lyrics, the young traplord is cousin to fellow migos member Quavo.

Quavo: aye offset we got shootaz in da window?

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