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What is Nut Huggers?

Air Force PT uniform shorts.

Man, I gotta put on my pair of AF nut huggers and go take my PT test.

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Nut Huggers - video


Nut Huggers - what is it?

N. a socially disadvantaged person who must latch, or hug onto to the nuts of one of his friends to gain acceptance in social setting.

I wish Jon wouldn't have been home schooled because he is such a Nut Hugger when we go out.

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What does "Nut Huggers" mean?

n. Extremely tight pants (usually but not necessarily jeans) that, as the name implies, conform (i.e. hug) the testicles. Origins unknown, this fashion trend started to become popular in the beginning of the 21st century. The popularity of "nut-huggers" has grown since.

Nice nut-huggers George.

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Nut Huggers - what does it mean?

really tight jeans worn by a man

Damn Bell's got his nut huggers on today

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Nut Huggers - meaning

See nerd

They hug nuts.

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Nut Huggers - definition

Pants that make your nuts go in your stomach.

Man, look at that emo faget. He loves his Nut Huggers. They're just so tight.

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Nut Huggers - slang

Pants that are so tight, the testicles are squeezed so tight, that they almost become non-existent. Usu. worn by piece of shit Hicks from the Llano Texas area. Most people hope it will cull their ability to breed

James and Jason Milam have no nuts left, because they word nut huggers far too long for there to be any hope of salvation for their balls.

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Nut Huggers

old school NBA shorts

Back in the day the NBA player all wore nuthuggers

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Nut Huggers

A tight ass bathing suit ie: a speedo

"That guy is wearing nut huggers, holy crap please poke out my eyeballs"

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Nut Huggers

Really Tight pants or shorts . They are so tight , they hug your nuts . Thats Why their call Nut Huggerss .

Hes definitly wearing some nut huggers !

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