Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Noob tube?

A play style in Call of Duty 4 online games. Consists of using the rifle-mounted grenade launcher as your ONLY weapon. Some may mistake a well-timed blast as noob tubing, but most noob tubers prefer to be up close, as this makes the enemy bigger and easier for them to hit even when having a seizure-like fit of noobishness after realizing that they have scored a mere 11 kills to their 21 deaths during the match.

Noob-tubing will often give the noob a rush of energy and a feeling that they are "uber l337 pwning". Experienced players will laugh at this, knowing full well that were a noob to possess "pwnage" the universe would fold in on itself.

Noob- UAHAHAHA BANGBANGBANG *Noob tubes* PWNT *teafrags*
JP- *pwns with actual pwnage* Don't teafrag in the middle of a firefight, dumbass. Down with Noob tubing!

👍253 👎89

Noob tube - video


Noob tube - what is it?

The M203 rifle mounted grenade launcher used by newcomers to the videogame Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, specifically its online multiplayer. while requiring no skill or effort, this weapon also barely hurts the user while completely obliterating any who get in its path. This is seen as a cheap weapon only acceptable for use by the worst of players at this particular game.

"Wow he is like a level fifty five and he still uses that cheap-ass noob tube!"

👍1629 👎601

What does "Noob tube" mean?

Particularly used in the Video Game 'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2'. Where a player uses the Grenade Launcher attachment for their weapon to kill just 1 enemy player, rather than a group of enemies.

Player 1: I just got noob tubed!
Player 2: I hate people who noob tube...

👍45 👎13

Noob tube - what does it mean?

Any grenade launcher, be it an M203 or a GP-30, used on a video game. Specifically online on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare or Modern Warfare 2. It requires almost little or no skill to effectively get kills with it. Just aim in a general direction of wherever you think the enemy might be, and it'll get the job done without giving your enemy time to avoid it or retaliate.

Surprisingly, despite its name, it's not primarily used by noobs, or newcomers to the game. It's actually used more by assholes that are well into the game already but only use it to piss off their opposing team. And unfortunately, they usually do succeed in pissing off their enemy which could (and normally does) result in the enemy team changing their class to a noob tubing class while saying something like "Oh you wanna noob tube bitch? I can do it too", and that results in an entire game session being nothing but noob tubes and/or RPG's, depending on who's in the game.

Highly disliked by the majority of the gaming community. Avoid noob tubing at all costs to ensure that you don't start a tubing chain-reaction.

Teammate 1- DUDE!! This guy is using his fucking noob tube again!

Teammate 2- I swear to god. If i get tubed one more time i'm gonna bust a nut.

T1- Alright fuck this game....

T2- Come on. Don't rage quit.

T1- *disconnects*

T2- Son of a bitch *facepalm*

👍469 👎155

Noob tube - meaning

Any grenade launcher attachment used in Call of Duty 4 Modernwarfare, employed by n00bs of the highest caliber.

That n00b wont stop with the fucking Noob tube!!!!

👍3849 👎949

Noob tube - definition

A grenade at a party who waits till you are very drunk and just keeps on coming at you in order to try to hook up with you.

Man1:Shit man Jon was Noob tubed at the party. I felt so bad for him
Man2: Hahahahaha, she was so fat. Poor bastard

👍29 👎17

Noob tube - slang

a word that is used for weapons in online games i.e. wolfenstein (panzerfrost), halo (rocket loncher / fulerod gun), counter strike ( auto shotgun bleve it or not).

1. omg i hate noobtubes.
2. i rock with the noob tube.
3. i am going to go crazy if i get owned agen by that noob tube.

👍79 👎143

Noob tube

A grenade launcher or rocket launcher noobs use in cod. Also is a item in the best game ever created called roblox which shoots noobs at people

Noob:I has a grenade launcher
Pro guy:you fucking noob you suck stop using noob tubes and learn to aim and quickscope you fucking faggot cunt
Noob: :(

👍25 👎11

Noob tube

Weapon used in games such as Call Of Duty 4 by people that cant aim, much to the joy of all the other players that now ensure the (Noob) suffers all sorts of verble abuse!

"OMG!! adam hit me with his fucking Noob Tube again!! learn to fucking aim you retarded gumper!"

👍167 👎137

Noob tube

Usually refers to the grenade launcher in Call of Duty 4 due to it's high power and wide kill radius, and especially it's easiness to use.

Alex over the headset on Xbox live:
"Dude, this kid with the noob tube killed me like 6 times already, its really pissin' me off!"

👍553 👎307