Definder - what does the word mean?

What is No drama's?

a word that is overused, overdone, and overanalyzed.

Abby: Ughhh, more drama.

Andrea: I know, when does it stop.

👍213 👎75

No drama's - video


No drama's - what is it?

A waste of time and energy.

Oh I Hate That Girl She Always Starts Drama

👍97 👎31

What does "No drama's" mean?

the biggest of all bullshit. consisting of backstabbing, blackmailing, disharmony, gossip, and in especially malice

unnecesary bitchiness, hate and incompetence or cause of such brought upon and/or made a big deal out of.

'those retards needs to shut the fuck up and stop causing all this drama and hating among us. they talk shit but dont do shit.'

"Keep unnecessary drama to yo momma!" - Bryan (social scientist)

"I'm sick and tired of your bullshit and drama. Fuck you and yo momma!" - (again the social scientist)

DRAMA - because even yo momma will kick your ass to the curb and say GROW THE FUCK UP!

👍627 👎231

No drama's - what does it mean?

Bored people caring way too much about things that have nothing to do with them or going above and beyond to make rumors be truth.

Dang there's a lot of drama going on...
Wow...I wish people would stop with all this drama.
All this drama is making me want to drop a nasty dook in someone's mouth.

👍107 👎29

No drama's - meaning

Something women and especialy teenage girls thrive on. consisting of any number of situations that have an easy solution, wich would bring a fairly good outcome, but these girls choose another, shitty, bad way to deal with it, again consisting of backstabbing, blackmailing/gossiping/betraying their friends, or the all-too-common "I want to break up with him but i still love him!"
it drives men and what i like to call "normal" girls nuts.

watch any show on that crap channel "the N" for a good example, or just talk to my sister. the drama that retard stirs up is unblievable.

👍5503 👎1977

No drama's - definition

The act of making a complete fool of yourself. Going above and beyond what a normal person would do. Not being able to control your emotions. Going into a state of extreme rage. Willing to start a fight with your best friend just because.

Every time that bull sees the color red it makes him go Drama.

👍63 👎17

No drama's - slang

Started 200 Wednesday's when Jessica told Amber that Tasha's shirt is so cute, but Amber hates Tasha so Amber told Vicky that Jessica said that Tasha's shirt was just so sliggity that she couldn't stand the sight of it and her. The next day, at the infamous MeanGirl lunch table, Tasha splashes her iced tea on Jessica for calling her a skeezer as told to her by Greg who was told by Kaylee who was told by Tony who was told by Jessica's Cousin Felicia, who was told by Ashley who was told by Vicky who was told by Amber. That was the day Skankwars begun and a 17-day riot took over the school when all the cute girls carried 9mm's in their coach purses. Drama never ends, its only a cycle that gets reborn because Amber still won't forgive Tasha for whatever the fuck she did.

Not based on a true story, but I'm sure you know that this actually happened at your local high school. Enjoy

"Drama is so cool and I love it totally" Average Highschooler

👍1843 👎511

No drama's

A way of relating to the world in which a person consistently overreacts to or greatly exaggerates the importance of benign events.

Typically "drama" is used by people who are chronically bored or those who seek attention.

People who engage in "drama" will usually attempt to drag other people into their dramatic state, as a way of gaining attention or making their own lives more exciting.

Common warning signs/ risk factors of drama or a dramatic person are:

1. Having one supposedly serious problem after another.

2. Constantly telling other people about one's problems.

3. Extreme emotionality or frequently shifting, intense emotions.

4. Claiming to have experienced negative events that are highly implausible.

5. A boring job or mundane life.

6. Making claims without sufficient evidence or a lack of detail about supposedly serious events.

7. A pattern of irrational behavior and reactions to everyday problems.

Sarah had a slight fever and mild cough. She decided to use drama, in order to receive sympathy and attention, so she told everyone she was deathly ill.

Debra lost her keys then spent four hours crying and yelling at her husband.

Mary did not answer her cell phone for an hour, so John feared that she had died in a horrible car accident.

Someone stole Steve's can of Coke from the break room fridge, now he believes that someone at work is trying to destroy him.

👍2937 👎565

No drama's

Drama is when a person creates problems for themselves because they are Prima Donna's and then obsess over those problems to other people, especially people with far more complicated problems.

My girlfriend is a drama queen.

👍105 👎19

No drama's

Creating unnecessary stress about unimportant things. Making a mountain of a mole hill to get attention.

Susie created drama about her date being 5 minutes late .

👍217 👎19